Ch 18 - Caught at a Funeral

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I was about to scream when a cold hand covered my mouth. My body was tied and hanging over some rickety stairwell while a ninja, clad in black, perched in front of me like a cat.

"Phhhuk?!" I squirmed, glaring at my captor. He wore a black mask over his mouth that kid of reminded me of The Shredder from Ninja Turtles.

But I wasn't in any real danger... hopefully.

"You what the fuck!" Shinso snapped, his voice mildly muffled from his gear, "You sent me your location with no explanation. I thought you were dead! But you're just having a pleasant dinner with your could-be killer boyfriends."

He removed his hand but my anger was already subsiding and I felt embarrassed, "I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was walking into... Is that why you came in hero gear?"

Shinso sighed and startled unraveling me from his long scarf so I could stand on my own two feet with him on the fire escape. I could tell that he was in some kind of pain by the way his eyes narrowed during the process.

"You really like to capture me unnecessarily," I snorted a laugh.

"It was necessary."

"Was it, though?"

"Yes, because you scared me unnecessarily."

I huffed, but quickly turned the tables, "You like getting your hands on me, Shinso? Didn't take you for a pervert."

He deadpanned, "Funny. What were you doing with them, anyway?"

"I ran into Sero and..." I stopped when I noticed his forehead had a giant gash. The area around it was still swollen and pink but the bleeding was stopped by several stitches, "Oh god, are you okay?"

I went to feel his face. He flinched at first, but the cold from my fingertips must have felt good against his wound and he quit resisting.

"I told you, I got in an accident," Shinso said.

"You made it sound like a scraped knee or something!"

"It's fine, I just didn't have a whole lot of time for Recovery Girl to look at it before I got your text."

I frowned, realizing that I was holding his face in both of my hands now. It was not my night for keeping my cool. I froze up with Kirishima and I was freezing up again in front of Shinso.

"... You like getting your hands on me, Amajiki?" Shinso chuckled, dishing it right back.

I dropped my hands quickly, "H-How's the kitten? Was he hurt?"

"No, thankfully. But I did have to leave him with Recovery Girl to come here..."

"I see... I thought I'd be able to get something out of one of them, but I didn't. It was a waste of time. Sorry, again," I went to grab my phone from my pocket and immediately recoiled, "Ow! Shit!"

"What?" Shinso asked.

"My phone... oh, no and my pants!" I had felt something warming up in my pocket but it was cold out and Shinso, Spider-Man snatching me, was very distracting.

Shinso was wearing gloves, so he did the honors of pulling it out for me. Right away, we could see that the screen had cracked and underneath, everything had overheated and started to melt in places.

"I just had my camera on," I said, "Just in case I could catch them saying something..."

"Think it was Kaminari?"

"He shouldn't have his quirk, right? Right?" I emphasized a second time.

He did a slow blink, "They still have quirks, (Y/N)... Their use is monitored by power levels is all. Any lethal amount during their probation and they're taken back to jail in a second, but everyone's allowed to use their quirk in a safe environment. Well, more like we know everyone does but if no one is hurt and there's no property damage then they don't get in trouble for it..."

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