Ch 28 - Just Three Years of Your Life

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I stared Bakugo down from across the table. His words entered my ears but they didn't compute. I was too focused on his evil grin.

"What..." I felt myself shrinking.

"You know, after the war and the total reform of our government, a lot of things are forgotten, especially for the right aspiring hero," Bakugo said, "They're still stuck in some of their old ways, but using a popularity poll helped me in the end."

"How the hell are you popular?"

"How? I'm the best that's how! Everyone else knows it," he added bitterly.

"The HPSC saw that you had a fan base and decided you were fit to do hero work again? That's a joke," I scoffed, "There's no way."

He shrugged, "Worry about your own reputation, petals. How are things looking for the runaway who hid in the country, only to show up again and bring trouble with her."


"You haven't been paying attention to what your classmates have been saying. You're in the wrong place at the wrong time - every time. I expected better from you, but it doesn't matter."

Bakugo leaned a little closer from across the table with a smug grin, "You're just making this too easy, petals."

"I don't give a fuck what they think," I mumbled.

His eyes lit up, "That's it. But you might want to care a little if you don't want to get in too deep of trouble."

Where I can't reach you....

"What do you care? Wouldn't that be the perfect revenge for you?" I wasn't sure what I was doing anymore. How was Bakugo winning everyone over during all this? I was trying to keep a safe distance from everyone's lives and get back to my own. Maybe he was right, and I was making myself look worse.

Then, I remembered my goal tonight.

"Meet me outside and leave a nice tip," I said, pushing away my hardly eaten meal. When I got up to leave I heard him having a tantrum behind me.

"Huh? You can't waste food, idiot!" He barked, "At least get a box!"

I waited for him around the corner; a little shady I'll admit. Knowing he had full use of his quirk made me sick to my stomach but it wasn't like he could get away with anything unnoticed.

We'll see if it was you...

He had a bag with him containing my leftovers and I wanted to smack my forehead. Guess he was being serious about that.

"For someone so paranoid, I'm surprised you want to meet in an alley," he said, "Are you gonna kill me or just stupid?"

"That's not how I take care of my problems," I leered, "If you're telling the truth... take off your shirt."

Bakugo deadpanned, "Huh?!"

"I cut the intruder on the arm," I said while crossing mine, "Show me I'm wrong."

"You want my clothes off you can come do it yourself."

He set the bag down and waited for me to say something back. His sneer told me he expected me to back down, but I was beyond that. Without making eye contact, I got as close as I had to and pulled off his jacket from his shoulders. His faint growl in approval made my heart jump.

Ugh... he was enjoying this.

"You're serious," Bakugo chuckled, "It's fucking hot."

"Shut up." I started rolling up his sleeve, hoping that was all I needed to see the scar, but it barely exposed his muscly forearm. I scoffed and hesitated before touching the buttons below his neck. Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god...

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