Ch 11 - Tease Me, Squeeze Me

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(Hi! Just in case anyone's a die-hard for the anime/manga timeline, it's all jacked up lol. So, don't think bout it too much 🤣 You're in dorms already

Also there might be a few chapters "in the past" in a row because I didn't want to space them out. But maybe I will in the rewrite..? 🤷‍♀️)

- then -

"(Y/N)! They're here!"

Mina ran into my dorm room and gave me a heart attack. I was relaxing on my pillows with earphones on, listening to some jams, when she leapt onto my bed and crushed me.

"Guhhhhhh..." I lost all the air in my lungs.

"Come on lazy bones!" She squealed, "Our internship offers came in!"

I recovered quickly, "No shit?"

Mina wiggled on top of me, further breaking my ribs, "Yes! Come on!"

I ditched my headphones and ran with her into the living area. Everyone stood around the kitchen table, biting their nails.

"What if we didn't get any..?" Mineta had to use a chair to see the table.

"You can still apply to agencies," Momo explained, "This is for anyone who really stood out at the sports festival."

I looked at the charts scattered around and searched desperately for my name. Yes! I was on it!

I saw a few hero names I wasn't super familiar with and then...

"FatGum and Kamui Woods?!" Mina exclaimed, "Isn't that who you were hoping for, (Y/N)?"

I nodded in shock, "Yeah. Wow... YEAH!"

"You and Kamui Woods would make a great team," Momo beamed at me, "I'm not surprised at all that he chose you."

"Aww I don't see any names for me..." Mina frowned.

"Don't look so down," Jiro joined in the name search next, "You can still apply. A lot of us didn't stay in the challenges long enough to really show off our skills."

"Still... what a bummer!" Mina cried and turned away to sulk. Everyone else was excited to see their who their new internships were with, or weren't.

"You going with Jeanist, Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, "One of the top dogs! That's awesome."

"Whatever," Bakugo crossed his arms and tried to look aloof but there was a glimmer of self pride in his eyes.

The remaining students without internships yet started making calls while I tried to decide between my top two. It would be really cool to work with Tamaki and FatGum but I also liked the idea of being my own person with another hero in my element. With Woods, I might get to shine...

I called him up.

"That was the most nerve-racking phone call of my life," I sighed. Almost everyone sat around the couch glaring at their phones. So, I joined them.

"Was it scary?" Uraraka asked. She clutched her fuzzy pink sweater to her chest, "I'm so excited but so nervous! I hope we learn a lot."

"He was perfectly pleasant," I shrugged, "But still, pros can be kinda intimidating."

Sero walked into the circle next and stole a seat next to me. He was in all casual, baggy clothes with a loose beanie, "I think we should all give a round of applause to Mineta for somehow securing a spot with Mt. Lady."

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