Ch 4 - He Was So Nice

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(AN: this story is gonna have a lot of back and forth, just FYI! Sometimes more or less flashbacks, this one is more!)

- then -

I sprawled out on my blanket. The summer sun beating down on my skin. It felt amazing, especially after my morning tea.

"(Y/N)..? (Y/N)... Agh, again?"

I turned my head, hearing my name, and saw Tamaki slowly patrolling our front yard. By the time he reached me, he had already taken off his white cape and tossed it over me.

He turned away as if I were indecent, "Why can't you do this in the backyard..?"

"The trees block all the sunshine in the morning," I chuckled while rolling onto my stomach, crushing the cloth he generously donated, "What's it to you? I'm not naked."

"You are... very exposed..."

"You've seen a bikini before, right, Tamaki..?" I asked, "Oi, you're a little prude."

"My friends are coming over... Y-You should really be more careful... especially around all those guys at school. Do you sunbathe at the dorms..?"


Tamaki smacked the side of his face and groaned. It was fun messing with Tamaki. And easy. He was socially a little insecure - okay, more like a terrified, stray kitten.

With me as a sister, I'm sure it drove him crazy.

"Calm down. I'm almost done," I said, "This is an important part of my morning routine!"

"Why can't more clothes be routine?"

"If you're that offended then go awaaaay."

"I can't..." he mumbled, "I can't let anyone see..."

Just as he said that, I heard Mirio and Nejire and their parade of positivity arriving on our property like a walking Disney movie.

"Mirio!" I waved, but I was quickly buried by a gigantic bird wing that suddenly became part of my brother's arm.

"P-Please go inside and change!" Tamaki begged.

"I'm trying to live my best life, Tamaki," my muffled cries reached his pointy ears, "- and you're literally smothering me!"

"Live your best life in a cozy sweater..."

For the longest time, Tamaki didn't make a big deal about my sunbathing. It wasn't until I was going to the same school as him and started getting some attention. I think he realized overnight that I was in fact female and other males, or females, would taken notice of my maturing body parts.

For being so shy, he played the protective older brother part annoyingly well.

For his sake, I grumbled and took myself and my swimsuit back inside and up to my room. Mom was hustling around the living room and through the kitchen, like an obstacle course, while talking on her phone. When I came back down in short shorts and a crop top, she paused from her marathon and sighed.

"Sweetheart, are we attracting potential partners or agencies while wearing that?" She asked, "I don't think so. I bought you that dress you never wear, and it's so cute!"

"It's the weekend," I said, "I'm not poaching anybody."

"You know they're cracking down on hero modesty," mom said in between her conversation with whoever was on the other line, "If you want people to take you seriously you should take your image seriously."

Belladonna (Yanderes x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن