Turtle Power! : Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Well it doesn't know what I'm capable of either." the red-banded turtle beamed, charging at the giant robot. Leo groaned, "Raph- you can't just- Raph!" he darted off after his sibling, dodging laser fire and swinging fists. Donnie and Mikey shared a similar look before Mikey shrugged his shoulders and joined the fight.

Donnie, however, decided on a different approach. The lanky turtle crept around the moving robotic bodies, avoiding their gaze as he drove to find any available computer. With a little luck, he managed to find one with very few guards, but he soon took those out.

"Now if I can just figure out what the Kraang are up to, maybe I could put a stop to it right now." he mumbled to himself, his tongue sticking out as a sign of full concentration. Donatello continued to tamper and peek into folders and unnamed documents, eventually finding a plan for a portal of some kind.

But in a language he had no way of deciphering here, there wasn't much use for the plans. Growing irritated that all his attempts so far seemed futile, Donnie pounded a fist against the motherboard beneath him. The machine sizzled and sparked, the keys becoming hot on his fingers, scorching the very tip of his skin.

Pulling back with a yelp, Donnie watched as a jet of bright pink light shot from the control panel he was at all the way along the walls and across the ceiling until it pinged against a large metallic structure on the other side of the room.

"Uh oh."

"Do you dudes smell burning?" Mikey questioned, sniffing the air a little more. Raph was holding his own up against the robot, using his sais as a barricade as he pushed away the robot's foot; moments from crushing him.

"Mikey, this is no time to be thinking about pizza!" he huffed out, a little out of breath. Mikey cringed at the thought, his stomach going ten to a dozen, "No, it's not that!" he whined. Leo slashed one of the many casualties from this night, shifting to stand beside Mikey, "Hang on, I think he's onto something."

"Ugh, not you too." Raph cried out, rolling away from the metal fist that just narrowly missed his face. Leo grabbed Raph by the shell as he ran past, jostling the poor teen, "Smell." was all he said. Raph rolled his eyes but reluctantly agreed, "Huh, what do you know? Mikey was right about something."

"I heard that." Mikey pouted. The next thing the brothers knew the burning smell grew and grew until they could physically see smoke coming from a huge metal doorway. With a flickering light, the doorway seemed to explode with colour, turning from pink to purple to the most enchanting shade of green then ending with a sky blue.

Its swirling gaze was hypnotic.

Donnie rushed back to the group, his mind buzzing, "Guys! Guys! You are not going to believe what just happened-" he looked up at the swirling portal, "Nevermind, I see you're all caught up." he gulped. Leo turned to Donnie with a frown, "What did you do?" he sassed.

"Me? You think I somehow did this?" Donnie pointed an accusing finger at himself, more so out of disbelief than acceptance of blame. Leo shrugged his arms, letting his katanas hang in a looser grip, "Well you were the one messing with it."

Alas, Donnie couldn't continue any further for something was causing the portal to ripple. Any remaining Kraang bots that were beside the portal were perched and awaiting with guns held high. Seems as though they too weren't expecting this.

The room went eerily quiet, there weren't any sudden movements, just a short pause; stagnant air. Out of nowhere, a spinning weapon flew out from the portal, its edges jagged and its aura lit in flames. It wrapped around one of the Kraang bots, pulling it back in through the blue waves like a fish on a hook. Its metal fingers clawed at the ground, but it served no purpose in delaying its demise.

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