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Regulus read his book under the tree branches, looking up momentarily, finding a brunette with a 'quibbler' magazine in front of her face, two-colored lense glasses sitting in her head, as she held two things in between her fingers, a lollipop as red as her lips, and a thin tube-looking thing with grey clouds coming out of it. She kept a spring in her chin-up walk, and as she neared him, he began to feel hot. now, the tube was long thrown into the black lake.

"Hello, regulus. What might you be reading on this fine, autumn afternoon?" she grinned as she lay on her back, paper and hands on her chest, head on the boy's legs as her face turned to him, exposing the big crayon smile on it. He lifted the book and showed the cover, which revealed to be 'pride and prejudice' . She gasped dramatically as she lifter her arms up in a stretch towards the sun. "Oh, my god. I LOVE Mr. Darcy. He is so charming! Don't you agree, luslee?" his head snapped up to look at her, nose scrunched, brows furrowed and frown on his soft pale lips. "Luslee?  What on god's earth Is that?" he asked ravished at the idea of someone being creative enough to come up with that name for him.

"You, silly. Your name is regu-LUS, and you can say, regulus-ly, and so therefore you end up with lus-ly, or luslee. Kind of sounds like 'Leslie', don't you think?" she asked with a smile, as her finger was raised up, curling as it traced the clouds and swayed her hand with the breeze. Regulus said nothing as he watch the Ravenclaw quietly sing under her breathe as she played with the clouds out of her reach, and he wondered if he'd ever smile like that, bigger than the tiny uplift on the corner of his lips


ΤɦɛyΑɩɩ Diɛ iη Τɦɛ Eηɖ

Τɦɛy Aɩɩ Diɛ iη ΤɦE Eηɖ ⇛ ʀɑʙTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang