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It was a normal day in the marley household.

Well, as normal as it can be.

Arden was hanging upsidedown on her brothers broom, in the corner of her purple room, dusting away as she hummed. A continuous tapping on her window broke her out of her mood, making her flip onto the ground and skipping over. Noticing the familiar pitch black owl, a grin took over her features.

"luslee! How are you, my beautiful owl friend?" she exclaimed, handing him a treat from a jar on her desk.

Of course, she had taken the pleasure of naming him after the boy she cares for so deeply.

The brunette grabbed the letter that lay in his beak, noticing the fanciness if its seal. Usually, whenever she got letters from regulus, they werent as decorated as this one. (soley for the reason that she could not, for the life of her, use a letter opener)

As she read over its contents, she laughed, but her expression turned serious as she read on.

You are to come over for dinner on the eleventh.

When was that? Was she prepared? Does she even have something to where?

The girl shook her head, then carried on reading. She smiled again, and even chuckled at her boys antics, and a blush coated her pale cheeks.

You shouldnt worry, you look beautiful in anything.

Boy, he sure was a charmer. The girl quickly hopped on her chair, grabbed a muggle invention called a pen, and scribbled away on her signature lilac colored paper.

'my loveliest luslee,
I am more than happy to tell you that i am writing this letter with a new product i have learnt of called  a pen! Its just like a quill, but less tickilish and i dont have to dip it into an ink pod every two lines. (i could almost see you rolling your eyes). Ill make sure to get you one of your own. Itll be green, and will have three diffrent ink colors to chose from! (ill remove the red ink tube, i know you dont like that . If you ask me, i think its appaling). I have missed you so very much these past weeks, and ud take up any opportunity to see you before school. Even if it means i have to face the wrath-burga black. I will find mely best dress just for your dear old mother, and will not be needing kreacher to get me, for i am perfectly capable of getting their on my own. I got this other muggle thing from the weasleys, called a car! Its almoat like a broom, but it has seats, and wheels, and it doesnt fly- but im sure we can fix that. I shall be arriving at your not so humble abode six o'clock on the eleventh of this month, and hope to find you waiting on my arrival.

All my love,


Once she sealed her letter, she gave it a kiss before placing it in the birds beak and let it fly. It was no doubt she was nervous, but if she knew one thing, it was that she couldnt wait to see regulus black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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