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"Good morning fellow hogwart-ians! I bless you all with the gift of tulips and a happy morning, free of Mulciber!" Arden yelled as she pushed through the doors of the great hall, all eyes turning to her with laughter, even Joseph Avery let out chuckles, to which William Mulciber, who has been hexed with sealed lips, hit his shoulder for.

Arden went around each of the house tables and gave a tulip to one person from each table; Ravenclaw was Pandora Lovegood, Hufflepuff was Amos Diggory, Gryffindor was Marlene McKinnon, and Slytherin, to everyone's surprise, was regulus black. The sulking heir with messy hair and red nose. And to surprise everyone even more, she didn't just hand it to him, she tucked it behind his ear and smiled a toothy grin, his lips twitching upwards slightly. she even went to professor McGonagall and gave her one (No doubt she was everyone's' favorite) . she skipped back to the halls entrance, making a spin on the way before letting out a cheerful "Good morning!" to the two raven and puff who walked in.

( you can guess which of them returned the greeting)


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