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And regulus blurts it out.

Somehow, his chest feels lighter, like he's finally got something off it.


"yeaH. Mhm. I dont- actually, i wont marry aurelia, not only because she is a stuck up blood supremacist who cares about nothing but vanity, but because i already love someone. There is no way ill leave this world without marrying her. Theres nothing you can do to stop me."

"who is this girl you speak of?" walburga sneers once more, and regulus returns the tone. "her name is arden. Arden polaris marley. She goes to school with me, and has been by my side far more than these lying imbeciles have been."

Orion, noticing his wife was about to burst, took over their side of the conversation. "will you atleast tell us  her house? Her Family status?" regulus remembered his chat with his brother like friend, and called on whatever gryffindor resided in him.

"She's in ravenclaw, her brother is in slytherin, her mother is a veela who went to beaubaxtons and her father is dead, although he went to drumstrang."

"and her blood status?" walburga manages out, voice cutting like a knife. Regulus stares at his mother, face blank and a challenging gaze in his eyes.
"Pure". His parents went silent, the only thing heard in the house was kreachers mumblings as he sweeped.  But after a beat of silence, she spoke up yet again.

"what does she think about this on going war? Does she mingle with mudbloods?"
Regulus smirked. "she mingles with everybody. She says that it doesnt really matter to her if voldemort wins or loses, its what casualties are caused that makes her worried. Any problems so far?"

It was silent once again, and not once did he break eye contact with his mother, until his father spoke. "i think that sounds fair. What do you say, let the boy have his peace?" definitley not what he was expecting. Some of the tension was released from regulus's shoulders. "really?"
Too soon.

"no. I will not have it." walburga regained, or tried- to regain her confidence, but she knew she was outvoted. "fine then. You know what else you wont have? An heir" regulus shrugged, a menacing glare settled in his eyes as his smirk turned sly.

"are you threatening me?" walburga managed once more, her eye twitching. The grown woman had the urge to stomp her foot. Regulus chuckled, leaned forward slightly, brows furrowing once again as his voice, like his smirk, dropped. "oh no", he said. "im warning you" .

And that was how regulus found himself sitting on his wooden desk, tounge poking out the corner of his lip as he excitedly wrote a letter to his loved one.

'my dearest arden,
You dont know how joyus i am to tell you this. After a heated debate with my parents, (i wont bore you with the details, rather id tell you in person) invlolving marriage to a greengrass and almost being disowned, i was able to convince my parents (or threaten, in mothers words) to not go on with said marriage and told them about you.
If you'd like, i can send kreacher to apparate you here. I am anxiously anticipating your arival, love. Expect anything when it comes to my mother. If she see's any sign of weakness she will take advantage of it. One last thing, be yourself. You may aswell bring joy to this monotonus house.


And with that, regulus sealed the letter shut and handed it to the black family's owl, and let it off with a stroke on the head.

As he watched it fly away, the boy thought of the girl he loved, and felt a smile gracing his lips, excited to be seeing her again.

Τɦɛy Aɩɩ Diɛ iη Τɦɛ Eηɖ

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