Sonic's questioning

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Knuckles pov

"Come on you gotta tell me what happened" sonic whined as he followed me around. I groaned into my hands. That stubborn little pest, I regret telling him anything!

"Knuckles pleease" he shook me roughly.

"Fine fine just get off me you fool" I shoved him away before sitting down "it went just as I said. I was tickling him when we both lost our balance and fell"

"But is that all that happened?" He gave me a knowing look. I rolled my eyes. So annoying.

I took a deep breath "I may have...lingered a little longer than I should have"

He clapped his hands excitedly  "you're so in love with him. Oh I never realised how much fun it is to play matchmaker"

"Matchmaker? Wait sonic no we're not-"

"Oh yes this is happening" he pulled me up on my feet "knuckles I swear as your best friend-"

"You're not my best friend" I muttered dryly.

"As your best friend" he repeated "I'm going to make sure you get the man of your dreams"

"Oh really? And how are you planning to do that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"By bugging you till you finally ask him out" he grinned.

"So you plan on being even more annoying. Great!" I slumped in defeat. Sonic sat down next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's going to be alright knuxs. You're a great guy, espio would be lucky to have you"

"Heh thanks sonic" I smiled softly. Maybe having him around won't be so bad.

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