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Knuckles pov

"Man I think those chilli dogs gave me an upset stomach" I groaned as we walked back to the emerald.

"Oh your stomach is just getting used to the spiciness" espio shrugged me off "those dogs were nothing compared to the spices of my home country though I did find it concerning that they were cooking dogs"

I stopped "espio you do know that they weren't made of real dogs right?"

"They weren't!?" He gasped "but why were they called chilli dogs!?"

I burst out laughing "you really-hahaha-oh espio your too funny"

"It's not my fault. The name was confusing" he was getting flustered. I gotta admit it's pretty cute.

"Wait so you-haha-thought they were made of real dogs and still ate it" I smiled in amusement.

"I didn't want to be rude to our new friends" he figited with his hands nervously.

I burst into another fit of laughter which didn't help my upset stomach "oh espio your adorable"

"Quit laughing at me- wait what did you say?" He looked up at me with those big innocent eyes.

"Nothing" I turned away with blushing cheeks. Why the hell did I say that! I mean he is adorable but he doesn't need to know that!

"No no now it's my turn to pick on you" he leaned over my shoulder "now tell me what you said"

"I said nothing!" I gently pushed the boy away "now we're almost here so let's forget about-"

I stopped once I realised we had company.

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