taken to the city/Eating Out

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Knuckles pov

I fidgeted uncomfortably as I stood in the city centre. This is the farthest away I've ever been from the emerald. What if something happens to it while I'm gone? I'd be a failure as a guardian. Oh god I've made a terrible mistake-

"Knuckles-sama" espio grabbed my arm "your shaking. Is something troubling you?"

I took a shaky breath "this was a mistake. Leaving the emerald was reckless and-"

"Shh" he placed a finger on my lips "you needed a break, even if you didn't realise it. You don't have to feel guilty about that. I'm sure even your ancestors took breaks every now and again"

"Actually they tested their strength by attacking other villages" I muttered.

"See everyone has their own way of blowing off steam" he said cheerfully.

I chuckled softly. He's such an odd boy but I kinda love that about him.

"Alright gang we're here" the blue hedgehog who I learned is named sonic gestured to a brightly coloured building "fellas let me introduce you to the best place on earth. The chilli dog deluxe"

"Sonic has an unhealthy obsession with chilli dogs" tails whispered to us.

"Hey it's not unhealthy. I can stop anytime I want" he pouted.

"See what I mean" tails shook his head.

"Well we came all this way. Might as well have a bite to eat"

"Yes that's my man!"sonic wrapped an arm around me "let's give you an experience you'll never forget"

"That's what I'm afraid of" I sighed as he dragged me inside.

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