Chapter 30: Inescapable

Start from the beginning

"Luck has nothing to do with it, Luck does not exist. Anything you recieve or not, is simply one of our gifts."

I lean forward and put my head in my lap. This is too much. I came to Neverland because I wanted to get away from all the drama and problems of Ireland, and now that's exactly what I'm being told is in my future. It's not fair. But if I say that aloud, I'm sure the Fates will have plenty to say about 'fairness'.

I then feel a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Lilith. Listen, if what these... Fates," - Peter sounds a little uncomfortable with the word-, "Say is true, then you won't be doing it alone. People will be there to help you. In particular, me. And we both know I'm the best at everything."

I smile, and lift my head to look at him. The ferocity is gone from his face, and all that's left is sincere kindness.

I put my hand, smothered in dirt now that I see it, over his.
"Thank you." I say.
He smiles too, a lopsided one, "On the bright side, looks like we'll be together non stop now. Since we're a team, or so the Fates say."

His tone is a bit awkward, and I understand why. The Fates described Peter as a boy who was 'unsure of himself and how his emotions buzzed'. Emotions meaning... us? What happened between us? Maybe he hasn't forgotten about what happened, as he otherwise pretends he has. I know I certainly haven't. I never expected Peter to be the kind of person who has any emotion other than happiness. All he ever does is run around and have a good time. I'm sure he even has good dreams. So, why would his emotions be buzzing... if not for me?

But now, am I being too self-centered? Why would Peter even think about me for a moment. He doesn't like me as anything more than a friend, if that. He's made that completely obvious.

Unless he's hiding something.... but there I go again with assumptions.

Peter's softly babbling on about something when a lightbulb goes off in my mind.
"Peter, wait. I just thought of something."
He looks concerned, "What?"
"We've gone all this time believing that these Fates are real," I turn my head and eye them suspiciously, "But how do we know they're who they say they are? How do we know this isn't some illusion or something?"
"Well as far as I know, and I know a lot about Neverland, there are no trees with rooms actually in them, and no people living in those rooms." He shrugs.

Still eyeing the "Fates", I stand up and take a cautious step closer to them, examining their resolute features.

"You have your doubts of us, not sure what to believe. But come look with your own eyes, into a peak at your destiny."

The woman on the left extends her hand, and this time faces it palm down. She bends her wrinkly knuckles so that it looks like her hand is scraping something out of the ground, and as she does the dirt beneath her begins to rumble. A loud crack is heard as a tree root shoots out of the brown dirt, and heads straight for me. I take a step back, not wanting to be struck by it, when it stops a few paces in front of me.

It doesn't look like an ordinary root. It's got the texture of a tree root, that much is true, but the color is never the same for too long. Very lightly, different colors fluctuate along the length of the root, as if showing some type of unknown pattern.

I glance over at Peter who is now standing, also looking at the strange root.

"I think," Peter begins, a bit unsure of himself, "I think they want you to touch it."
"Touch it? But why?" I ask, not understating what he means.
He shrugs, eyes fixated on it, "I don't know. But, I think you should."

The one Fate woman is in the same position. Hand out, knuckles bent, and glaring at me with dead eyes. I look to her for a sign of direction, but she stays frozen.

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