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How did you sleep?" I asked as Brooke emerged from the bedroom. I had wanted to get up and make her some breakfast. I have noticed when Brooke is stressed or off sorts she tends to not eat as much so I'm hoping after our excursion last night she would eat a nice hearty breakfast.

"I slept good thanks to you" I turned around to the kitchen counter as I felt myself blushing. I soon felt Brooke's arms around me bustling her head into my hair. "You know, for someone that hasn't cum before you met me, you sure know how to make someone else feel good." I have never felt this wanted or safe with anyone before, I will never get bored of this.

"Hey, as insatiable as you make me, I've made you breakfast so eat." I pulled out a chair for Brooke to sit at and guided her with my head to sit down.

For me, work was uneventful for the rest of the week, I tried to not think about how stressful it must have been for Brooke but I knew that Tim would win the lawsuit and when he did then I could do something to help Brooke.

Brooke didn't come around every night, it was almost an hour to her house from my flat so when she was finished wiping up the mess that her uncle was making all day she was usually too tired to come and see me. There was part of me that thought I would visit her but I didn't want to come uninvited and I wasn't sure how much her mum knew so there was a difficult situation I didn't want to put her in.

"Yeah I know, it will all sort itself out, I don't know how many times people have tried to get on the wrong side of Tim and it's never worked." I reiterated to Brooke on one of our nightly phone calls (that to be fair usually lasted most of the night).

"I really am sorry..."

"Don't you dare apologise for him! You didn't cause this" I stopped her before she tried to apologise yet again! This must have been about the 12th time she'd tried.

"I know but if what had happened with Luke hadn't have happened I wouldn't have got sent back to the timber yard and Tony wouldn't ever have had a reason to sue him."

"Brooke you can't look at it that way. Yes, what happened with Luke was wrong, but you didn't tell Tony to sue Tim, you didn't put that thought into his mind." I tried to reassure her but I knew it would be no good. "However, whilst we are on the subject, can I ask you a question about Luke?"

"Ermm I have a feeling I'm not going to like this question but sure" she answered tentatively.

"Did, you ermm did you enjoy it? The sex I mean. With Luke I mean" struggling to get my words out.

"Honestly, no. The thing with lesbian sex is, for me, it feels equal. I feel like I am at one with my partner and nothing else in the world around me matters. With Luke I felt like I was there to serve him. I didn't orgasm if that's what you're asking Katie." I didn't expect Brooke to be that honest to be fair.

"Erm well it's not what I was asking but i have wondered." I wanted to try and match her honesty, as difficult as it was.

"I promise you nothing like that will ever happen again. Plus, is it just a man thing that they don't believe in foreplay or just a Luke thing?" I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Haha from my experience with Luke, if you don't tell him exactly what you want then you won't get what you want. But please don't be telling Luke what you want, I don't want to think of that." And I hoped in that moment that the conversation would end.

"Will you tell me what you want?" I don't understand.

"What do you mean?"

"The way you would tell Luke. Will you tell me?" How doesn't she think that she is absolutely amazing and I need to give her no guidance whatsoever.

"Baby, no one has ever done for me what you do, and I don't think I will ever need to guide you as to what I want."

"I know but I t think I would quite like been told what you wanted" I was getting the feeling that this was more about what she wanted than what she thought I needed so I agreed with ease. "Oh also, it's my birthday next week and my mum has asked if you would like to come for dinner? She obviously doesn't know we are seeing each other but she's invited you so..."

"What...it's your birthday! Why didn't you tell me? I have no time to get you anything!" How could she forget to tell me!!!

"You give me everything already, plus, come for dinner and that will be the best present. Just don't comment on my mums cooking because she cannot cook at all..." Urgh Brooke you are so infuriating, I have no idea what I am going to get her! I can't just not get her something.

"Ok, deal" I lie. I will go for dinner at her mums but I won't not be getting her something. "I'm going to go to bed now, I'm absolutely shattered" again a lie but I needed a chance to do some online shopping before Brooke's birthday.

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