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"Hey! I noticed you'd not taken your lunch from the fridge and it's almost 3pm so I thought you'd probably be busy." Brooke placed the tray down on my desk.

"Thank you! Have you had your lunch?" I asked not really knowing what I wanted the answer to be. Did I want her to have lunch up here with me? Or did I want to be alone?

"Me and Bob had a working lunch! We got really into nominal structures and double entry so we ate and worked" I laughed at Brooke with a look of 'are you serious on my face'

I stepped up, walked behind Brooke, closing the door.

"As fun as that sounds, all work and no play makes for a very boring person ahaha....plus if you don't take lunch you could report us to HR...aka me...and I don't have time for that sort of paperwork. So take a seat, you can share my biscuits" I pointed towards the lined cushioned chair on the guest side of my desk.

"I'll have you know accounting isn't that boring!" I could see her pouting and it was so attractive.

"If you say so" I said biting down on my salad.

"Katie, was Tim really angry with you earlier? Me and Bob heard him shouting. Bob said he's only ever heard him like that once before." Brooke said looking genuinely concerned. I don't believe she would ask me just for 'gossip' or information about our company.

"Yep, he was pretty fucking annoyed. But I deserved it I guess, I mean I do work my arse off and I've always got my work phone on me. I just needed a bit of personal time to think of stuff" this salad is so good! If I do say so myself!

"Like hearing me cum" Brooke winked at me.

"Jesus Fuck" I said coughing up the last bit of salad, I was not expecting her to say that.

"I think you'll find, I didn't hear you cum, just your friend" I defended.

Brooke just stared across the table at me without saying a word.

"Brooke, can I ask you a question?"

"Go for it"

"Is sex with girls good? Like how does it even work?" Brooke started to pretend to cough and choke.

"Haha now it's my turn to act surprised at something that came out of your mouth...sex with women is amazing. It is so raw and passionate and sensual and long. Don't get me wrong there are women that don't have a clue, but it's easier to teach them. Everything you think women can do to each other they definitely do, and more." Brooke has such a smug smirk on her face.

"So now time for me to be brutally honest." Why the fuck am I telling her this.

"I can't wait to hear it"

"I masturbated when I heard you having sex. I went back to bed and masturbated and came for the first time in years, if not ever"

"Ermm okay..." shit I've fucked it. That was too wierd.

"So I have questions..." she continued

"You've had sex with men right?"

"Yes, a fair few" I honestly answered

"And they didn't make you cum?"

"Nope" the honesty continued .

"But the sheer sound of me having sex with another girl made you cum?" Where was she going with this?

"Yes Brooke, that's essentially what I'm saying"

"Well that's big news, i thought you'd enjoyed it but not that much."

"Shit I knew I shouldn't have told you I'm sorry, it's so weird."

Without taking her eyes off me, Brooke stood up, walked towards my chair and tucked my stray strand of her behind my ear, whispering so closely that I could feel her warm breath on the nape of my neck.

"It's not weird, it means you want to fuck me, and trust me the feeling is mutual."

And she leaned up, straightened herself and walked towards my door closing it behind her as she left.

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