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After cleaning up the glass in the kitchen and having a nap, I'd decided that I would fall back into my old habits and go and find someone to help ease the pain I still felt. I'd soon got ready, washing my hair, doing my makeup and making sure I'd had a drink before leaving. I think I'll need it tonight.

When I walked out of the block of flats, I saw a familiar silhouette stood with their back against the wall.

"Katie, please just give me 3 minutes. That's all I promise I need. I promise no longer" Brooke pleaded, making her appearance known.

"How about, absolutely fucking not. You do not deserve a single second of my time. And I'm going out so I do not wish to be riled up when I get to my destination. So once again if you'd kindly fuck off."

"Please don't sleep with someone else" how dare she?!?

I walked towards her pointing at her..."how the fuck dare you? How do you dare after you fucked my friend? One of my best friends. One of my best friends that I used to fuck. One of my best friends that I used to fuck who I ignored so I could fuck you! Don't you fucking dare tell me what I can and can't do."

I was glad that the taxi came just in time to take me away so I could finally breathe again. She really did want to get me angry. I will and I intend to sleep with as many people as I can. And no not to spite her, but because we are nothing. She has made that abundantly clear!

I hate her, I really fucking hate her.

I sipped on my vodka lemonade. Probably more vodka than lemonade but I don't care, after all the tears I'd shed I needed the liquid.

Everything felt funny, like a kaleidoscope but with none of the colours. Urgh I needed to get home.

I'd already put off about 3 men by telling them why I was out drinking and the last thing I needed was to seriously regret yet another fuck in the morning. I called myself a taxi and paid the man as he pulled up at my flats, quickly driving off as I shut the car door with force.

I felt myself swaying and swishing, woah this is fun. Maybe I don't want to go to my flat just yet.

I skipped myself inside the block of flats and up the hallways, trying to cheer myself up.

"Hey!" I heard a man shout from inside his flat

"Hey you! I've had my heart broken dick head"

With that, I felt strong but feminine arms tugging me in the other direction.

"Get off me, what the fuck you doing?!"

"Katie, it's just me. I just wanted to make sure you'd got home safe. You seemed upset and I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if anything happened to you!" Ah fuck, it's her. Why can't she just find Luke and ride on his cock?

"Go...find...cock" I drunkenly muttered to her with such confidence that it had made sense.

"Katie, come on or I'll carry you. You know I can" and in that moment I dug in my heels. She can fuck off.

But in one swift movement she hauled me over her shoulder and headed off in the direction of my flat.


"Good, you can hate me from the safety of your home. I'm fine with that." She said as she prompted me down on the floor outside my door. She's gabbed the key off me after watching me twiddling with the keys for some time and then opened up for me so I was sucked into the vortex of sadness again.

"Oh what ... shame...Luke's cock...gone" i swayed towards my bedroom whilst she locked the door behind herself. I don't know why she's doing that, she's not staying. She can stay with Luke. Or his mum.

I could hear her muttering to herself whilst grabbing a glass and some medication from the kitchen before setting them on my bedside table.

"Come on Katie. Help me get these jeans off you so we can get you to sleep." She said trying to trundle my jeans down my body.

"Oh now you....fuck me? Toooo late" I laughed a most drunk laugh before laughing my head down on the pillow.

"Katie, for fuck sake. As much as I'd love to have sex with you. I wouldn't do it whilst you're drunk and upset with me."

Well we will never be having sex again then I thought to myself but my unconscious state took over and I passed out.

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