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I set at my desk as I always did, my Mac book perfectly placed between my juice and Tim's diary. Mondays are usually busy, not only do I have emails to attend to but we typically have 1-2 long meetings to attend.

I don't trust people that book meetings on a Monday. They either hate us or are complete sadists, the types of business men that think they are gods gift to women but then will cum in their pants before you've even taken your bra off. Yeah I'm speaking from experience.

Today we have a meeting with Logan's Timber in Manchester. Fucking great. So far I've only spoken to Tony Logan on the phone and he sounds like an absolute twat.

"Tim, Logan's Timber at one pm! Do you want to buy dinner or drive?" I question as I popped my head around his office door.

"Hmm I'll drive" he didn't look up from his laptop but we have a familiarity that means I'm not surprised it.

"Okiee dokiee" I saw trailing back to my desk. I know when I can push Tim and when he's busy.

I get to work answering emails and booking more meetings for the coming weeks. I heard the distinctive *ping* of my mobile.

Hey Katie, I hope I don't come across as too forward. Last night was great 👍 would you like to go out on a date some time? XO Colin

Fucking Colin...Colin how fucking old was he? How much had I had to drink last night.

Block. Delete. It's what's best, for him and me. He can't satisfy me and I can't pretend.

I quickly shuddered off the memory of last night and got back to work, this gave me more satisfaction than Colin ever could. Or let's be honest anyone ever has. I seem to be in a reoccurring circle of Fuck-Delete Fuck-Delete and I'll be honest I'm not too sure why I put myself through it, maybe to show that I can? Power? Control? God knows...

It soon came around to 12:00 and time to leave for the road. I slid into the passenger side of Tim's Black Audi A1. I heard the familiar growl of the engine before we sped off onto the motorway.

After 15 minutes we stopped at a services and it was my part of the deal. I hopped out and into the overpriced shop, picked up our lunch and paid a whopping 20 pound for the pleasure! Tim always adds lunch to my expenses so I know that's why he always says I can get lunch, he really is too good.

We ate and travelled as the Sat Nav told us we were only 20 mins away. This is typically the time that we decide on an action plan for the meeting. This particular company were losing money, Clark Services had been recruited in to figure out why. We analyse, look at the books, customers, suppliers and everything else you can think off to ascertain why a business might be struggling.

We pulled into Logan's Timber, there wasn't really a car park. More of a patch of concrete that we could squeeze the car into. The main office was a very small shed like building.

"We'll their not spending their money on their offices are they " i passed to Tim surprised.

"Haha I was thinking the same thing. You sure you're okay coming in? I know he was a grade A prick to you on the phone."

"Of course! Plus, I've not had a coffee today so I can be a real bitch" I smiled, scrambling out of the low car.

Tim just returned my smile, patted down his expensive suit and headed towards the 'office'. Tim took care of how he looked, he was 40, with bright green eyes, brown hair that parted in such a way that we all knew it was thinning but no one had the heart to tell him.

"Do we knock?" I asked as we approached the door that looked identical to my grandads back garden shed.

Just as we had a look around for an alternative entrance a bald headed man with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth came around the back in a high visibility vest that wouldn't close at the front because of his large size.

"Hello, everything alright?" The bald headed man spat at us.

"Yes, Tim Clark & Katie Bolotvic for Tony Logan" Tim shot back, he'd dealt with his type before. Failing business but refusing to see any blame in himself.

"Right, yeah that's me, hang on. Come in my office is a bit of a mess right now"

"Right now" I signalled to Tim.

He just gave me a knowing glare.

He ushered us in and showed us to some chairs that were neither comfortable or stable. I'm not sure this will hold me for the entirety of this meeting.

"So Tony, is it okay to call you Tony?" Tim requested

"Yes" Tony frowned

"As you know, you've asked us to come here to try and figure out why the business may not be performing as well as it was a couple of years ago. My PA Katie will be taking meeting notes and will be your main point of contact so it's important that she is respected"

Tony shifted his eyes to me for a split second and then back to Tim. I was not gullible into thinking I would get any respect from Tony.

"We're do you initially think the business could need some intervention?" Tim continued.

"Isn't that your job?" Tony really is a dick.

"Well yes it is, however as it is your business i would have assumed you may have some inside knowledge on where we could start to investigate" Tim really is holding his own.

"Start with accounts, they're shit, they work from the warehouse at the back." Tim said.

"Okay brilliant, and how many are there in your accounts team?" I asked, trying to get as much information on my currently blank piece of paper.

"Oh just one. Brooke. She's my niece. I gave her a job to help my sister out, but she's got no experience. She sends invoices out to the wrong customers. She buys the wrong materials, doesn't clock in deliveries" I was a little astounded at Tony's admission. Only one person doing all that. I feel for the girl!

"Let's start there then, can we go and meet her?" Tim tried not to sound as astounded as he too was.

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