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Urgh I slapped my arm on my bedside table trying to turn off the most annoying music of my alarm!

"Urgh" I moaned to myself! It was 7am Monday morning and I was not ready for another working week!

I got myself up, showered, dressed and make up on without seeing Brooke, I wonder what time she gets up.

It was when I was sat in the kitchen that Brooke finally came out of her room. Wow, she scrubs up well.

"Morning Katie, do I look okay for the office? I wasn't sure what I should wear?" She is wearing a royal blue dress, knee length and 3/4 sleeves.

"Morning, yeah of course! You look lovely" I said with a genuine smile.

"I'm just going to grab some breakfast before we leave, I put us some paella in the fridge last night" Brooke pointed towards the fridge.

"Thank you, I just have to go and grab my shoes and then we can leave shortly"

When we arrived at the office Brooke lowered her head under the windshield to take a proper look at the building. I guess if you'd been working at Logan's Timber, this office is pretty impressive. It's mainly glass building with our logo in big writing on the front facing walls.

"Wow! You're so lucky to work here!"

"Thank you, it's your working place for the next couple of weeks too" I tried to say reassuringly.

"Come on let's go and sign you in and get you a coffee!"

Brooke had a spring in her cautious step as we walked towards the building.

After signing her in, I introduced her to some of the people in the office, showed her how to use her Mac and set her down in the training room.

"Hey Brooke, this is Bob. He is going to be training you for the next two weeks." Bob and Brooke looked at each other with a careful smile.

"Hey, thank you for doing this it's really appreciated" the sweet girl said.

"So I guess I'll leave you too it. You'll get 1 hour for lunch and if you have any questions my office is just on the next floor."

"Thank you Katie, see you soon"

I walked to my own office and carried on with my own day, wondering every now and then how Brooke was getting on. I guess working on a timber yard is a million miles away from a proper office so I'm not sure if she feels a bit strange about the situation.

I decided at 3pm that not only had I not had my lunch yet but I'd not stoped to look away from my emails so I'd go for a leg stretch.

As I walked down the stairs I could see Brooke sat in the training room by herself. Was she okay? Was she upset? Where was Bob? Why did I care? I walked towards the room and she noticed and sent me a smile.

"Hey Brooke, everything okay?"

"Hey! Yeah! It's amazing, a lot to take in and a bit of a headache but it's bobs turn to make us a brew so I'm just having a screen break" she looked worried.

"Don't stress Brooke, I'm not here to tell you off, just didn't want him working you too hard. And if you have a headache there are some paracetamol in my desk."

"Thank you, I might have to come and take some! Also, would it be okay if I popped out for a drink with an old friend that's moved round here tonight? I don't want to take the piss and take advantage of your flat?" Brooke's an adult, she doesn't need to ask this of me!

"Of course! You don't have to ask me! You can do what you want"

Who was she going out with? I wonder if it's an old boyfriend? Would be interesting but we're definitely not close enough to have that conversation.

After work I stayed for a while to catch up on a few proposals I'd need to get out for Tim. Brooke had met her friend in town which made sense for her to go from the office, I'd given her the information for the flat so she could get a bus or a taxi home later on.

By the time I got home it was 8, so I grabbed the remainder of the French stick from last night, toasted it with some butter and headed to bed to watch television.

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