Halloween Special, PT. 3

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~Papyrus's POV~

As I tried speaking, they wrapped their arms around me in a hug. It was a bit awkward since I towered over their small frame, but it comforted me nonetheless. "I...like that nickname, Papy..." I felt my cheeks heat up, seeing my brother trying to muffle his laughter. Lily was quite the same, but ended up cackling. (Y/N)'s body froze and they shook a bit. I took their arms off from around my torso and crouched down. I placed them around my neck and hugged them, a small gasp escaping their lips.

"You're Very Attractive, (Y/N)..," I said, trying not to sound as flustered as I was. "And I Really, Really Like You." They sighed and pulled away, frowning. "What do you mean?" I backpedaled, hoping it wasn't too late. "Y-YOU'RE MY VERY GOOD FRIEND, OF COURSE!" They blinked before smiling a bit, closing their eyes. "You're my good friend, too, Papy!" I tried to hold back my disappointment as we joined into another hug.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I felt sadness overtake me, though I smiled through it. He didn't like me, did he? Damn! Wait, why should I care?! Our second hug broke and I waved to him as I walked over to Sans, plopping down besides both him and Farm. "Ugh..." "That was embarrassin' ta watch," Sans said, chuckling softly. I turned to him, but it seemed like he hadn't realized I was there. "What do you mean?" I asked, making him jump. Theory confirmed!

"U-UH, nothin', (Y/N)!" I sighed and leaned on my hand, feeling left out. Aliza and Abby came down the stiars, both looking adorable. Aliza had a red skirt and a tight red shirt with the Heinz Ketchup logo on it. She had white sock with red converse as well, with a tomato headband. That was a lot cuter than Ren's clunky Mustard bottle outfit. What a moron. Abby went as one of the princesses, but I couldn't remember her name.

Ren, Aliza, and Abby soon left, leaving me a bit worried for them. Farm's hand came down gently on my shoulder, a small smile on his face. "Dun' worry 'bout 'em, ey'll be fine." I smiled softly in thanks as he went back to leaning on Sans's shoulder...

~Time Skip~

The party had started a while ago, pure chaos ensuing. People were making out roughly, smoking blunts, and drinking like a monster, for a lack of a better term. Lily was flirting with some ugly ass guy while Sans and Farm were outside passing out candy to kids. They were so cute and domestic sometimes! I went to check on it only to see Farm passing out candy while Sans was scaring kids. Oh stars, these two were still adorable!

A hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me softly. It was a random drunk guy, his breath wreaking of beer. "Heya pretty thing~" I rolled my eyes and pulled my wrist away. "Not interested. Shoo." He grabbed my wrist again, a bit harder. "I didn't even say anything yet~" I scoffed and pulled my wrist away again. Well, tried to. His grip hardened again, which started to hurt. "H-Hey, let go!" He smirked, bring his mouth close to mine. I froze up completely, fear overtaking me.

As he began closing the gap, a loud crack and screamed sounded. The music overpowered it for the most part, but I heard it loud and clear. Papyrus was standing there, the guy's broken arm in one of his hands. It was broken at the ulna and possible the radial as well. Papyrus's voice became a growl, violence and hatred seeping in every word. "Step Back From Them. Before I Break Your Fucking Neck, Next." The guy ran away, his metaphorical tail between his legs.

I was stunned. Not only at his outburst of rage, but the face he cursed. He turned to me, squatting down. His features softened, looking worried. "Are You Alright, (Y/N)?" I nodded and looked down. "No, You're Not...Come With Me." Papyrus led me outside to the front porch, where Farm and Sans used to sit. Now they were in the driveway. "You Can Tell Me, (Y/N)..." 
"I...I was so useless there! I-I just froze up a-and almost let it happen! I-I'm such a dumb, fucking-!" 

A cold sensation touched my lips, the surface hard and unmoving. When I looked fully, Papyrus had put his teeth against my lips. Wait, what?! He pulled away and covered his mouth. "I-I'M SORRY, I-" I smiled and hugged him, a few stray tears rolling down my cheeks. "That was a nice kiss. Thanks Papy." He silently hugged back, leaving my confused about his feelings once again...what a Halloween...

Date: 10/31/22 21:57

Word Count: 775

Crooked Amare {Crooks x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now