Breakage, Hearts and Barriers

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I couldn't be expected to sit at home while Aliza was in that damned mountain. I was surprised at myself for not going sooner. I walked closer to the mouth of the cave, where the hikers found Frisk all bloodied and beaten. It was quiet, and a strange coldness flooded from it. I tried to get close to it, but it was like my body refused. Weird. (No, it's magic you fucking dumbass- /j) I heard a loud noise, and then the ground shook. Footsteps, light and quick, came through the entrance. 

A small girl, Aliza, ran through. She was a mess, for a lack of a nicer term. Her long, brown hair was cut in places and singed in others, as was her dress. Scars littered her body where I was sure they hadn't been last time I saw her. Scratched and blood decorated her dress, along with a fine white powder. Almost like cocaine, except Aliza would probably never do cocaine. Pot, maybe, but not cocaine. "Aliza! You're alive!" "(Y-Y/N)?!" The small girl ran into my arms, and I wrapped her in an embrace. Not too tight as to hurt her.

"Ren told me you were going down there, you dummy! You could've gotten killed, Aliza!" She started sobbing into my chest. Well shit, now I feel bad. "H-Hey, I didn't mean to yell or anything, Aliza-" "I'm so happy it's over..." I sighed in relief and hugged her a big tighter, before something landed by my right foot. "Heya, the hell are ya doin', grabbin' 'er like that?" I looked up and saw a walking skeleton, with a huge hole in his head. "T-The fuck is that?!" 

The skeleton wore an un-amused frown, pulling an axe out of thin air. "W-Wait, Sans! Th-This is (Y/N)! R-Ren's big sibling!" The skeleton grunted and glared before the axe...poofed?! The fuck is this?! "...they're fuck ugly." "You're not exactly anything to gawk at either, bonehead." The skeleton blinked before looking at me with his jaw practically on the floor. "Ya like puns?" "Nah, they just annoy my little bro. So I make 'em all the time." "...they ain't so bad."

Aliza giggled and went to wipe her eyes, but I used the bottom of my shirt instead. "Your hands are dirty, don't put them in your eyes." Aliza gave a small smile and walked to the skeleton, bringing him over. He was around 5'9", with a large build. Well, his shoulders. He was skinny. Wait, he's a skeleton- "Sans. Sans the skeleton." He stuck his hand out, but I saw a glint of something sharp. I offered a fist bump instead, much to his chagrin. "(Y/N). (Y/N) the human."

Aliza giggled and offered a big ol' smile. What a little cutie. Aw. I heard exhausting panting from behind me and turned to see Rensselaer. "Ren?!" "A-Aliza!" The two ran into each other's arm, being all cute and shit. Damn, way to make a guy (guy in its gender neutral form. you can...pretend it says girl. if you're a girl. i'm not so-) feel single. "So, uh, yer Renaissance's older silbin', huh?" That was the funniest fucking pronunciation of his name, I- 

"U-Uh, yes. I am...Rensselaer's older sibling." "Tha's what I said; Rengeite, right?" "...yeah, sure-" I heard giggles and turned to see Ren holding Aliza up by underneath her arms, like that one scene in Frozen- (You know the one. I should stop padding the chapter with these mini-an's.) "R-Ren, stop! Hehe!" "Stop being cute then- Uh, wait- That's not- I mean, like-" Oh god, is it finally happening?? "C-Cute, like a sister! Yeah..." "Jesus fucking Christ," Sans and I said at the same time.

We snickered a bit before loud, thumping footsteps came from the other behind me, towards the entrance of the mountain. This, like, nine foot tall (~275 cm) skeleton emerged from the shadows. His teeth were jagged, his eyes, if you could call them that, were sunken and near-crazed. A tattered red scarf hung from around his thin neck, his body adorned in clothes resembling that of a hero from a kids' cartoon. "ALIZA?!" The skeleton yelled. Ah, my fucking ears.

"P-Papyrus..," Aliza muttered, Ren letting her go. She started running to him, but I snatched her up. She was lighter than before. And so thin. When was the last time she ate? "Nuh uh, you ripoff Slenderman. Keep your claws 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙧." I said. Wait, that wasn't my voice at the end. The fuck? Nonetheless, they were the words I meant to say. "W-Wait, (Y/N)! H-He's nice, really nice! A-And he's like you!" "Like me? No, he's a freaky living Halloween decoration. Is that fucking blood on him? Did he 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪?"

"N-No! (Y/N), p-please-" "A-Aliza, what the hell?" Ren was at my side, just as freaked out as I was. He put his hand in hos pocket. I think he was going for his swiss army knife. I kept one arm around Aliza and reached into the pockets of my black tactical pants, looking for my switch blade. Got it. "H-He hates puns, like y-you and Ren! A-And he does puzzles, g-good ones like y-you! And with knives! Y-You like stabby things!" "𝙆 𝙉 𝙄 𝙑 𝙀 𝙎 ? Aliza, NO. You're staying here."

I motioned for Ren to hold her, and he took a firm grip on her arms. I pulled the blade out and pointed it towards the tall skeleton. Wait, where did- Ouch. I looked down and saw a sharp, pale thing sticking out of my chest. Except there was blood on it. My blood. I felt myself slowly losing consciousness, the voices of Aliza and Rensselaer in my ears. Nothingness. The sound when there's no sound, the color when there's no colors. Like being in a black hole. Absolute nothing.

I motioned for Ren to hold her, and he took a firm grip on her arms. I pulled the blade out and pointed it towards the tall skeleton. Wait, where did- Sans's hand grabbed my shoulder, making me jump. "Maybe, don't do that. Ya see, Paps 'ere is my little bro. Dudn't (Doesn't slang) do ya any good ta threaten him while I'm here. 'Less...ya wanna have yerself a bad time?" I glared and closed the knife, slipping it back into one of the many pockets in my pants.

"ALIZA, WHO IS THIS SHORT HUMAN? AND THE SHORTER HUMAN?" The tall skeleton, Parsnip or something, said. "Aliza, tell Parsnip that I'm not short. But Ren...he's short." Rensselaer shouted a protest while Aliza giggled. "MY NAME IS PAPYRUS, NOT PARSNIP." "Sure, whatever, Paisley" "THAT'S NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE-" "Neither is fucking Renaissance and Rensselaer BUT HERE WE ARE-"

Aliza somehow weaseled herself out of Rensselaer's grip and walked to the Patio's side, patting his long arm. "He's pretty much harmless, (Y/N)." She then turned to Parallelogram. "And (Y/N) is like a big sibling to me! More so than-" "Don't say their name, Aliza. (Y/N)'ll get worked up..." I shrugged it off, realizing Sans was on the other side of Potato. When did he get there? "So, since (Y/N) and Papyrus both love puzzles and annoy their brothers to no end, why not get along..?" "...fair enough. So, uh, Pancake, what do you do for fun?"

A/N: Thank you to @Lunazul3000 for helping me with this chapter, even if they don't know it! And thanks to LordHelpMe0_0 for sketching the base of the cover! I'm working with them to help get a sketch base for the other two. This is a long one, to make up for the short Prologue. Also, join my Discord for sneak-peeks on my three main books...and maybe a forth? ;) 

Date: 10/10/22 19:01

Word Count: 1280

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