Cute and Worrisome

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I blinked twice before stifling a scream. Papyrus's face was pressed into my midriff, and his claw-like hands had a tight grip on my upper thighs. "P-Papyrus..?" He looked up and smiled, like nothing was wrong. "Good Morning, (Y/N)! How Did You Sleep?" He was talking quietly like last night, but seemed energized. "I slept really, what about you?"  "I Slept Very Well! You're Very Warm, By The Way. And..." Papyrus drifted off and I felt my face continuing to heat up.

"C-Can you...let go of me? I need to, um, u-use the bathroom?" Papyrus nodded and let go of me, letting me get up and head to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at how flustered my expression was, along with an odd mark on my neck. It was red and kinda heart shaped? But upside down. "Shit, I hope I don't have hives-" I did my business, washed my hands, and brushed my teeth. I decided to take a shower in the middle of the day, when it was the warmest in the house.

As I walked out, Papyrus was sitting by the door, staring off. "Um...Papyrus?" He turned to me and his face started turning red. "H-HELLO, (Y/N)!" "Why are you...sitting outside the bathroom?" "W-WELL YESTERDAY YOU MENTIONED I SHOULDN'T STAND AND STARE, SO I'M SITTING INSTEAD!" Okay, he was acting dumb. He's way  smarter than that. "Papyrus, why are you really outside the door?" Papyrus clamed up and curled into a small ball. "I GOT VERY LONELY..."

"Aww..." I leaned down and hugged him best as I could, considering his massive freaking shoulders. "I have an idea. How about we pick up your brother and go to breakfast?" Papyrus smiled and leaned his large skull on me. "I THINK HE WOULD LIKE THAT, (Y/N)." I smiled and got up, holding my hand out to him. He giggled and got up himself. "YOU WOULD FALL OVER IF I GRABBED YOUR HAND, (Y/N). YOU'RE JUST TOO TINY AND CUTE- I-I MEAN-" I felt my cheeks heat up. Fuck, he was adorable...

"You're cute too, Papyrus!" "Nyeh-" Oh my god, that noise again. He's literally so fucking adorable I can barely breathe. "I'm gonna get dressed in my room...actually, do you wanna help me pick out an outfit?" Papyrus beamed and nodded, following me into my bedroom once again. I pointed to the closet and drawers while sitting on my bed. "Oh, don't go in the bottom left drawers, it's got my...sensitive items..." His face turned red and he nodded, being careful about the drawers.

He pulled out a short sleeve, white button-up with a black tie;  a paired of ripped, black shorts; and some black converse. Oh my stars, he's cute AND he has fashion sense?? I totally scored. "Thanks, Papyrus!" "UM...ABOUT THAT..." "Huh?" "Y-YOU CAN...CALL ME...P-PAPY, IF YOU'D LIKE..?" Awww! "Okay, Papy!" Oh my gosh, a cute nickname for a cute skeleton! He walked out and left me to change- which I did. I felt really cute, actually.

When I left the room, Papyrus wasn't there. Strange. When I went towards the door, he was standing there and fixing his scarf. Aw my heart..."You ready, Papy?" He made that noise again and nodded. I chuckled and grabbed my keys, walking out to the car. It was a little chilly, but I didn't mind too much. We got in a drove over to the skeleton household, where Papyrus almost immediately ran into it, yelling. "SANS YOU LAZYBONES!" "What the-" 

I followed anyways into the house and saw Sans lazing on the couch watching some weird tv show with a rusty, old robot. "BROTHER! HAVE YOU DONE NOTHING?!" "Oh, ya didn't spend tha night?" "WE DID, IT'S TEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING, YOU MORON!" "Oh, whoops." Papyrus angrily walked up into his room. Oh my god, he did little stomps too. "So...ya didn't do anythin' with my little bro, now didja?" I sat next to Sans and pulled a cigarette from my pocket, flipping it between my fingers. "Nah. Oh, but I have a question." "Hm?" 

I pulled the collar of my shirt down, revealing the odd mark. Sans's eye went out. "Ya...yer joking, right? Right?!" I jumped a bit and scooted away, but Sans grabbed my arm tight. "(Y/N), tell me yer joking." I stayed quiet, our eyes meeting. He sighed and let go. "...'S a Soul Mark...happens when a monster finds their Soulmate." I put my hand to my neck."Sans, it's not funny!" "I ain't joking! Ask Paps- PAPYRUS!" 

Papyrus was downstairs seconds later, a white button up with black pants and a black tie. "YES BROTHER?" "Did...didja mark (Y/N)?" Papyrus tensed and looked down. "I...What Do You Mean?" "DAMNIT, PAPYRUS, QUIT ACTIN' STUPID! IT'S PISSIN' ME OFF!" I covered my eyes and shut my eyes, the yelling was reminding me way to much of...Frisk. A large hand came down on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, Papyrus was smiling."ARE YOU FEELING ALRIGHT NOW, (Y/N)?" "I...Papyrus, did you do it? I need to know." 

Papyrus seemed pained at the question, almost sad. "It ain't a matter o' doin' it, (Y/N). 'S just somethin' that happens naturally. Were ya two close? Physically?" I remembered cuddling with Papyrus, his face against my torso and laying in his arms. "Yeah, we were..." "Then there's yer answer. Looks like ya two are Soulmates...weird." "Huh?" "Well, ya don't really hear 'bout monsters an' humans bein' Soulmates...""Not even before..?" "Nah, 's never happened ta my knowledge...I'll have ta do some research..."

 I sighed and chuckled a bit, rubbing the spot. "Does it go away?" "Yeah, after a few hours after tha markin'. It shows up when yer under stress, though. Kinda like, uh...a way to check on yer Soulmate. Someone...close ta me...well, he said he an' his Soulmate could hear each other's thoughts. It's, uh, pretty common fer monsters. 'S called a Soulmate Bond." I put my hands into my lap and looked down. "Go get dressed, Sans. I'm taking you both out for breakfast. Oh, one more thing...don't mention this to Ren or Aliza, ever."

Yep, this is kinda a Soulmates AU. And the 'someone' is pretty obvious, at least to me. I hope it is, because this 'person' probably won't show up. So, cameo, I guess. Anyways, sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I've been swamped with work. Speaking of swamped...

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Date: 10/20/22 20:36

Word Count: 1111

Crooked Amare {Crooks x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin