"A mission." Derrick answers coldly.

"No details?" Ghost asks, looking slightly disappointed.

"You know better Ghost, you usually don't get them until you accept." Derrick answers, rolling his eyes.

"Wait, what's going on?" The Brazilian girl asks.

"Nothing Baby Girl." Ghost tells her.

"You bastard." I mutter under my breath.

Derrick's body becomes tense. It's sweet how his fatherly instincts come out so quickly, but I think I can handle Ghost.

I glare at Ghost.

"Where to?"

"My parents." He answers.

Ghost smiles at me. "Let's go." Ghost agrees.

"What? Wait about me?" The Brazilian girl asks.

"You, officially, are of no use to me." Ghost smirks.

Her jaw drops and he goes to his room. Moments later, he comes out with just a few clothes and two laptops with eleven flash drives.

"Let's go then." Treyvon advises.

We get in the car. Ghost insists on sitting in the back and Derrick lets Treyvon drive.

How does he let Treyvon drive while he just met him, when I was begging to drive his car since I got my permit?

By the time we're all heading back to the house, I think I might let Andre punch him.

We open the door and Rachel is standing up, leaning against the wall. She has Malcolm practicing, but she looks exhausted. It even looks hard for her to stand while using the wall for support.

It's clear Malcolm wants to help, her but doesn't dare move.

"Baby." Derrick calls running to her.

He scoops her up in his arms and carries her to the couch.

"I'm fine." She soothes.

Derrick and I scoff.

"Well, you can't keep me in here forever! I can walk. I'm pregnant, not paralyzed! I can do this."

"Mommy, no you can't." Malcolm insists.

She glares at him and he smiles at her shyly.

I give Rachel her food and sit next to her on the couch. I put her legs on me. Her legs look horrible. It's not just get ankles that are swollen, but also her calves.

Ghost tosses me an ice pack and I put them on her. She winces, but doesn't complain.

"I don't know why it's happening so fast. With Jasmine and Malcolm I was at least six months before I could barely move."

I always wanted to hear my mom talk about her pregnancy story, but I never thought it would be so hard on her.

"Wait what?! You're her mother?" Treyvon asks.

Rachel nods.

"What else have you been hiding?" Andre mutters coldly.

Derrick places a hand on my shoulder. "Can we trade spots?" He says, but doesn't really ask.

I slowly get up trying not to cause any pain Rachel. Derrick takes my spot as I get up.

Malcolm runs over to me, while I squat to get down to his height. "Jasmine! Mommy said she was gonna take me out to eat."

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