Chapter 55: Countdown before destruction (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Joshua: (shocked) What?!

Suddenly Eternal empire ships came appear out of Hyper space and fighters from both the Eternal empire and Y/n's fighters came out and start to open fire at the tie fighters and taking them out while the fleets open fire and blow up many Star destroyers.

Gray: (smirk) Looks like our back up has arrived.

Joshua: (shocked) This can't be happening! How can this happen!

Suddenly a hologram of Y/n appeared in front of Joshua as he said with a smile.

Y/n: (hologram) Hello Joshua, having fun?

Joshua: (anger) You! You will pay for this jedi! I will destroy you and your Republic!

Y/n: (hologram) We'll see about that. Gray, Shiki I best you grab hold of something because I'm gonna take a different entrance.

Once the hologram call cuts out Shiki and Gray find cover while Joshua is confused until he looks through the window and suddenly sees Y/n's Star fighter flying towards him only for Y/n to eject out of his star fighter and burst through the bridges windows as the blast shields open before space would suck everything in while Y/n slide through the floor, active hid light saber and clash a blade at Joshua.

The two have a blade lock and then the two start to clash sabers at each other as Joshua was shocked to realise how fast Y/n is and how fast his moves was as he block every strike. Then within seconds he disarm is saber by slicing his saber into two and pointed hid blade at his neck as he steps back.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like your plan is ruined. That's your cue to surrender.

Joshua: (anger) You think you have won? As long the empire is still alive we will destroy you.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah but no matter what we will stop them no matter what.

Joshua surrenders as Y/n placed force blocking hand cuffs on his and he, Shiki and Gray take Joshua to the hanger where everyone else is at and they were glad that Y/n came back just in time as they won the battle as they climb onto their ship and they head back to Blue Garden and tell the people of the planet that the threat is dealt with and they can return home.

(Three days later)

We see Gray and Y/n at the prison where they are looking at Joshua in his cell as he look glare at the two while they look back at him before they make their leave.

Y/n: Sorry for this but we didn't have a choice.

Gray: That's alright. It's best he'll be locked up for his crimes.

Y/n: You gonna be alright?

Gray: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Y/n: Okay.

He then look around to see a lot of imperial generals, commanders and everyone whose apart of the empire locked up as Y/n's realised more will come to threading the galaxy if they continue.

Y/n: This violence has to be stopped.

Gray: Huh?

Y/n: The empire isn't gonna stop until all of us are dead. Even though they have lost all of their troops, fleets, fighters and leaders. We can't continue this battle any longer.

Gray: Agree. The empire will not stop until they succeed their goal. But what should we do?

Y/n thinks about this and then made a decision as he tells Gray.

Y/n: I think I know what to do.


We see Y/n back at Blue Garden as we see him talking to Waston about something which surprised him and ask him.

Star wars OP Jedi male reader x Edens Zero: The galaxy's Jedi heroWhere stories live. Discover now