"Ok, wanna share my music?" I asked her handing out a plug. She gladly accepted it and we continued to walked towards the school listening and occasionally singing to the music. Once we arrived we talked some more until I saw Luke coming towards our direction. I could see the anger flashing through his eyes but I didn't care. He hugged her from the back and bent over to kiss her cheek. Anger was boiling inside of me, however I couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey Luke" She said happily.

"Hey there beautiful. How are you?" He said. She smiled and started blushing. I was slowly becoming very jealous about everything. If I could I would have punched him in the face right now. I had to pretend to be the friend that was perfectly fine with all of this happening.

"I'm great thanks. I have some news, I got my first tattoo yesterday with Oli as he got his rose." She said excited. He looked over to see the rose and went back to stare at her as she moved her hair out of the way. At least she remembered the fact that I was there too.

"It's beautiful Kathy. It's looks just perfect on you." He said with his eyes only on her.

"Aww, thank you. I'm happy that you like it." She replied all happily. It almost felt like they forgot I was right there in front of them. I needed to get out of here before I do something stupid.

"Um, I'm going to head towards my first period. See you at Lunch Kathy?" I asked her like nothing.

"Sure, no problem, bye Oli." She replied to me. Hey she acknowledged my presence, that's some win. At least it wasn't one of those things where everything disappears and you can only see that one person. As I turned around I couldn't help but notice Luke glaring at me. What the fuck was his problem? He had her pretty much. I just shrugged off the thoughts and entered to classroom heading towards the very last row.

** Lunch **

I was slowly heading towards the cafeteria when I was stopped. Two people blocked my way and pushed me back. I stumbled back and went against another person that pushed me back forward.

"So you think that you can hang out with Kathy whenever you like?" It was Luke. I knew it that I was going to pay for this soon enough. I just bit my tongue so I wouldn't make the situation worse.

"The emo guy actually has a friend for once, well it won't last long will it?" It was one of the two guys in front of me. They were slowly making sure I couldn't escape.

"Hell no, I bet she just hanged out with him because she felt pity towards him. I mean he was always alone before she came." The other guy said.

"Emo guy actually thought he had a chance with her." The first one said and then punched me in the face. I immediately fell down, however got back up. Luke started getting closer to me.

"You really thought you could have her? Well, you're wrong! She is mine, not yours!" Luke said, and punched me right in the nose. Then the other two came over and started beating me up also. "I want you to think about this as a lesson. Don't you EVER get close to her again. I don't need some depressed emo guy to mess around with her head." Luke said and he continued to beat me up. Once they finished the other two left. "If I ever see you hanging out with her once again you are screwed Sykes! Make some excuse or something but you will not hang out or get close to her anymore!" Luke hissed and left.

I slowly got up and headed towards the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and made a face. Eugh... I rinsed my face and got my stuff. I started leaving the school and heading towards my house. I felt bad for leaving Kathy there alone, when I told her I would see her at Lunch. I don't even know what I will tell her tomorrow when I see her. The only thing I know is that she must stay away from me. I couldn't hang out anymore with her. I know for sure that she will hate me for this, but I can't continue. I entered in the house and ran to my room. I just sat in the corner for the rest of the day doing nothing.

** I hope you like the chapter. So, yeah... Luke ended up being the bad guy now. and he forever be the bad guy :/  Do you guys want anything to happen in the next chapters? Also, during the next chapters I will be having at least one Luke P.O.V. so you guys could learn more about him and everything. Feel free to give me any kind of advice **

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now