"Think Lovely Thoughts"

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"My brothers!" I glanced over at Pan as he walked up with Henry, my breath hitching as I stood behind the crowd of lost boys, "Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber." He announced, "Tonight, the heart of the truest believer shall fulfill its destiny, and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry saves magic!"

The Lost Boys cheered, but even with how relived I felt that no one would be dying, I was still on edge, distracted. Tonight is the night I've been dreading, the night of the full moon.

The boys dispersed, their excitement still lingering, many surrounding Henry whilst Pan made his way over to me. "You didn't tell me he agreed." I spoke as soon as he made it to me.

"I did just now. It was quite a recent development, so I figured I'd tell you with the rest of the boys." He shrugged, "Is it that big a deal that you had to wait just a few seconds longer?"

"I guess not."

I was silent between us for a moment before he spoke up again,

"You're nervous, aren't you?" He asked knowingly.

"And for once I'm not afraid to admit it."

"I promised I'd be there, and will try." He began, "But in case I'm not back in time, do you believe Devin or someone could be with you?"

"No." I turned down the idea immediately, "I don't want to hurt anyone. And Devin isn't immortal, so, no. No one who I could hurt. If you don't make it, I'll be fine." I assured, folding my arms over my chest as I tried to keep my nerves under control.

"Well then," he continued, "Do you think that while I'm gone, you can distract the others for me when they do come? Before the moon time, of course."

"Yeah, sure. Anything you need."


I watched as the fire in the camp grew, a purple mist flying out, all of the Lost Boys falling unconscious. I predicted that something like this might happen, which was why I spent time up in a tree instead of in the range of her sleep spell.

The group hurried into the camp, anxious as they looked all over for their enemy and son. "Where's Pan?" Neal asked, making me swallow. Neal was alive? Did Henry know? How?

"I don't know." Emma breathed out, "Henry? Henry? Hope?"

"He's gotta be somewhere." David said.

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