"The Heart of the Truest Believer"

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Henry and I landed roughly on the ground, but didn't hesitate to try and make a break for it before we were each grabbed. "No. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Slow down, pal." Greg and Tamara said, taking a firm grip on each of us.

I looked around, breathing heavily as I took in the jungle setting of our surroundings. Something about this wasn't right- I assumed we'd go to the Enchanted Forest, and I wasn't entirely sure that this wasn't it, but by what I had heard, I had an inkling. "You two got nowhere to go." They each let go of us, their words true.

Tamara sighed in relief, "We made it." She smirked at her actual boyfriend, "Mission accomplished."

"Are you sure about that?" Henry asked, "'Cause my mom's coming to get me. Both of them."

"Yeah?" Greg raised a brow, "You might wanna take a look around, kid. You see any clock towers? You're a long way from Storybrooke."

"It doesn't matter." Henry shook his head, "My family's been to the enchanted forest before and they can get here again." There was a howling in the distance that confirmed my original thought.

I let out a deep sigh, a sinking feeling in my chest, "We aren't in the enchanted forest."

"That's right, Hope." Tamara smirked again, "This is Neverland."

"Neverland?" Henry asked, shock written across the face. "You're here to destroy Neverland?"

"It's the mother lode of magic." Tamara responded before looking to Greg, "Oh, where's the communicator? We need to signal the home office."

Greg handed the woman a radio, "Here you go, T."

"An office in the jungle?" Henry asked, "Huh. Who works there?"

"Who we work for is not your concern, kid." Greg snapped, "Just know that they take care of us."

I chuckled sarcastically, "Do they? Let me ask you something, Greg?" I spat out his name as if it were venom on my tongue, "Can they tell you how to get back home after you destroy magic?"

"We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause."

I hummed, "Mistake number one."

"Greg?" Tamara spoke up, sighing as he turned to her, "I'm not getting a status light on this thing."

"Did you check the batteries?" He queried, taking the radio and removing the back. Instead of batteries, though, sand fell from the plastic item- a toy.

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