"Child of the Moon"

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"Help me out." Belle, a new arrival, whispered, gesturing over to Ruby and Billy, the tow truck guy. I slid off the stool, listening to the last of their conversation as we made our way over.

"Um, tonight's actually not great." She sighed. "Because..."

"Uh, we, uh, we have plans." Belle jumped in, wrapping an arm over her shoulders.

"That's right. Um, it's girls night. Im bringing the cheese." Ruby smiled at him. "Which has nothing to do with you being a mouse." I furrowed my brows. "It has to do with the wine."

"And I'm there to make sure it doesn't get out of hand." I added, noticing the way he was eyeing me strangely.

"Okay. Um, maybe next time." Ruby hummed as he walked off. Once he was gone, she turned to Belle and I. "Thank you." She sighed out gratefully.

"I can spot a girl in trouble." Belle responded. "He... He seems really nice." However Ruby's attention was focused more on the clock.

"It's complicated." She stammered out before breezing by us. I sent a small smile to Belle before turning, pausing though as my ears picked up on a conversation from Henry and David.

"Trying to stay up, huh?" David asked. "Still worried about those nightmares? Well don't be. 'Cause when you go to sleep tonight, I'm gonna be right in the next room."

"But.. but what about Hope?"  Henry asked. "I know she has nightmares almost every night since she came to live with us."

"Hope is a strong girl." David responded carefully. "I'm sure if she wants help, she'll talk to someone. Now how about you lose the Java and go grab a cocoa?"

I glanced down. I'm fine. I don't have nightmares every night, I just barely ever have good dreams. Believe it or not, there's a difference.


"Where are you going?" I asked as I walked down the stairs the next morning to see David in a rush to get out.

"Granny called. Ruby changed into a wolf last night and she broke out of her cage." He said quickly. "I've got to go help find her."

"Then I'm coming." I stated quickly.

"No, Hope, your-"

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