"The Queen is Dead"

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I walked with Emma and Gold, the three of us following behind Henry and Baelfire, who actually goes by Neal here. The two up front were happy. They were laughing and chatting and seeming to really get to know each other. I could tell it bothered Emma and Gold, but me, I was used to being in the background.

The boys suddenly turned into a pizza shop, leaving the three of us to stand outside. "Do you think that we should..." Emma trailed off, pointing at the shop.

Gold shook his head. "If we were welcome, I feel confident an invitation would've been extended." He sighed. "It's a sad truth that the people closest to us are the ones capable of causing the most pain. That's our common ground, Miss Swan."

"Guess my lying to him just caught up with me." She grumbled. Each time she brought it up, I kept thinking to how I have been lying to everyone I know, including Henry, about the most important details of my life. My parents are still alive, I have magic, I'm from another universe, and so on. I wonder how much he'll hate me for lying to him for years, and it's terrifying. But I can't tell him. I can't tell any of them.

"Give him time, he'll forgive you."

"Is that you projecting your own hopes?" Emma questioned, eliciting a scoff from the man.

"My son and I have some way to go."

"I can see that."

Gold stepped forwards slightly as I stood by. "I need you to speak to him." At the look Emma gave him, he went on. "Try and convince him to come back to Storybrooke with us."

"If I recall, there was only one favor I owed you. And I think I'm paid up." She responded.

"This isn't about me anymore. You'll do it for Henry." He pointed at the shop.

"How do you figure that?"

"Well, because if you don't, you're gonna wake up one morning and discover he's hopped on a bus back to New York. He ran away to Boston to be with you." Gold reasoned. "He'll do the same thing for his father."

"Until Neal let's him down. Which he will." Emma argued. "It'll be a hard lesson, but then at least Henry will understand that I lied to protect him."

"Come on." I butted in, rolling my eyes. "That whole lying-to-protect-them thing is all a bunch of bullshit. And the longer you convince yourself that was the reason you did it, the worse the consequences are gonna get for you. Just admit that the real reason you lied was to protect yourself."

"What's the supposed to mean?"

"From getting hurt again." Gold stated, adding into my argument.

"That's not happening."

"Do you want a second chance with that man?" Gold asked out of seemingly nowhere.

"What makes you think that?"

Gold just smirked at her. "The look on your face."

"You have no idea what..." she trailed off as Gold awkwardly stepped back, and for good reason. Neal and Henry had come back, plates of food in their hands.

"What are we talking about?" Neal asked, taking a note of pizza.

"Emma, Neal wanted to show me the museum." Henry said. "Do you think we can go back to the apartment and get my camera?"

Emma sighed, turning to look at her ex. "Yeah, well, I... Kids like culture, right?"

"Sure. Yeah, that's fine." She permitted, only giving in because of the look on Henry's face and how she didn't want to hurt him again. "You like the New York pizza?"

"Yeah, it's delicious, cheesy and doesn't lie."

Emma's face fell at his stone cold words, directed directly at her.


I stayed with Henry in the other room of the apartment. Once we had got there, we heard crashed from back at the main floor. Turns out, Gold had been stabbed by a poison laced hook by, well, Captain Hook.

The only way to save him would be to get back to Storybrooke and use magic to concoct a cure, which meant that Neal had to sail the Jolly Roger, the fastest ship in all the realms.

I know I don't know Gold very well, and he's not exactly my best friend, but I can't watch more people die. I would give him my blood, but I'm not exactly sure what will happen, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to go back on my word to my mother and risk my secret, or wait and hope that he can survive.

A loud ding from my phone sounded, snapping me from my thoughts. I pulled it out, not paying kind to Henry as he peered over my shoulder to read the message from Mary Margaret and David.

After reading it, I shared a look with Henry before getting up, the both of us quickly walking into the living room where Gold lay on the couch and Emma sat on the coffee table.

"Emma, you need to see this." Henry said as we walked into the room, attention instantly moving to us.

"What is it, kid?"

"It's a text from David and Mart Margaret." I answered, handing her my phone.

She read over it, the same expression that was previously on our faces falling onto her own. She looked at Gold. "Bad news, Gold."

"What, worse than incurable poison?"

"I don't know. You tell me. You got a dagger hidden somewhere in Storybrooke that's the source of all your power?" She asked rhetorically.

"Get to your point."

"Cora's after it. The only way to stop her is to have David and Mary Margaret get to it first."

"Let Cora try." He breathed out.

"You can't seriously be willing to risk this." Emma looked at him incredulously. "Not with your son coming back with you to Storybrooke."

"Miss Swan, that dagger has not left my possession for centuries. It's not about to now." Emma glanced at Henry and I before moving to sit on the couch next to Gold.

"Here's the thing, you're dying. And right now, we are your best hope. Time's come for you to start trusting someone. And if I were you, I'd start with family."

He exhaled sharply. "Fine." He snapped, knowing he had no other choice. "The clock tower. It's behind the minute hand."

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