"Nasty Habits"

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


There in front of me stood my mother, looking as beautiful as she always has. My breathing was shaky as I stared at her. This was too good to be true. She smiled warmly at me. "Hope." She repeated, "My beautiful daughter, you're all grown up."

Tears of happiness pricked at my eyes, "Yeah, I am." I sniffled, smiling at her figure. "You have no idea how much I wish I could hug you right now."

"I know, sweetheart. I know." She assured softly, "And you've done everything I told you to do. And now you're finding your own way, just like I hoped you would."

I furrowed my brows, "You hoped I would?"

"You didn't think I wanted you to deny a part of yourself for eternity, did you?" I kinda did, I guess. Maybe. I never really thought about that part, only my promise. "I wanted you to figure out who you are, and know and accept how you're unique and special. My darling girl, you are the best parts of me, and the best of your father. You can't be afraid because you have a little darkness in you, because we all have some darkness. You were always the sweetest little girl, and sometimes it can waver, but trust me when I say you are a good person, and you don't have to be afraid of the darker parts." I smiled slightly in relief. "I love you, Hope."

The tears came again, one slipping down my cheek, "I love you too."

I watched as the image of her faded away, her smiled looking permanent on her face. I swear I could see the love in her eyes, like the way she always used to look at me. Like it was real, and not just my memories.

But if this was the closest I could get to any of my family, then I would gladly take it.

My mood had definitely improved as I got ready for bed, sleep trying to pull me under while happiness and such tried to keep my eyes open. Eventually, sleep won.


"So, Devin," I began as said boy and I made our way through the woods, "What do you guys do for fun on the island?" Most of the time, I've been avoiding the camp because of Henry or there was always something serious going on, leaving no time for the so-called fun that the Lost Boys always seemed to have.

"Well, you've played tag before," he spoke, "but we also have parties, we hunt, we play a ton more games like target practice. We're never bored, even when we have to do the occasional serious thing." He explained before pausing, seeming to be in deep thought for a moment. "Hey, Hope... do you mind if I ask you something?"


"What was your family like?" I stopped at the question, as it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but I did say he could go for it, so it's only right that I answer.

"My real family or Regina and Henry?" I queried.

He thought for a second, "Both?"

"Well, my real family was amazing, in my eyes anyway. I mean, they all pretty much threw away their lives to keep me safe. I didn't spend that much time with my dad or any other family since, at first, they were being held hostage for five years, and then after a small while with them, I couldn't go near them or I'd get sick, but my mom raised me with everything she had. I just wish I had more time with them all." I shrugged, "And Regina, like all the others, was always more focused on Henry than me. I would always be expected to make sure he stays out of trouble and stuff like that. I was always there, always around, but no one ever really paid me any attention. I guess I never realized how bad it made me feel until I got here." I shrugged.

"I do love it here." Devin agreed, "I never want to leave. And honestly, you're the most chilled out girl I've ever met."

I chuckled at that, "Probably because I have a lot of issues."

He hummed mockingly, "That could be it."

"And if you ever go all weird girl on us, we could just kick your ass and get you back into the game." He smirked.

I raised my brows, scoffing at his words, "Please. I could beat you any day. Everyone on my dad's side of the family, including him, were pretty much mass murdering psychopaths who knew how to take care of themselves, and my mom was just a badass. So, my point is that I will always win."

"Whatever you say, Princess."

"Call me Princess one more time and the only thing you'll feel is a broken jaw."


"Mhm. Do not mess with a girl. It's a battle you will surely lose."

"Noted, especially as you're the only girl I could ever get into a fight with."



"So, this Devin boy, you think you could be friends?" Mom asked as we sat on the ground.

"I think so." I shrugged, "I mean, he seems pretty cool, and I guess it's easier to open up to the Lost Boys than to anyone else."

"I'm happy for you, and I know your father is too."

A sad smile fell onto my face, "I miss you all."

We miss you too, sweetie."

"Have you heard from Dad?"

"I don't really have an answer to that." For a moment there I forgot that she wasn't real, that she was just made up of my own memories.

"Right." I glanced down, "Um, I think I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm getting kind've tired."

"I'm sure you are. Goodnight, Hope. I love you."

Her image faded with the glow in the crystal as I laid down on the hide blanket.

"I love you too, Mom."

A Mikaelson in Storybrookeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن