"Desperate Souls"

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I was sat down next to Henry and Regina. It's been two weeks since Graham died and the election was on to appoint a new sheriff. It was between Emma Swan, whom Regina tried to fire, and Sidney, the guy behind the town paper.

She only wants him in the position because he's easy to manipulate. Dr Hopper was talking at the stand right now and it was easy to tell that public speaking like this was not something he looked forwards to. His hands gripped onto the sides of the podium, there was nervousness in his eyes, and he spoke rather fast.

"Tragedy has brought us here, but we are faced with this decision and now we ask only that you listen with an open mind and to vote your conscience." He sighed slightly in relief. "So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the candidates. Sidney Glass and Emma Swan. Glass-Swan." He gestured to each person on each side of him. "Sounds like something that a decorator would make you buy." He chuckled, but nobody followed his actions. "Wow. Crickets."

"Okay." I stood up. "So now that Dr Hopper is finished with his amazing opening statement," I sent a smile at the man before turning back to the crowd, "it's time for the candidates opening statements. Mr Glass?"

I sat back down as Dr Hopper cleared his throat, moving to stand off to the side. Sidney stood and walked to the podium.

"I just want to say that if elected, I want to serve as a reflection of the best qualities of Storybrooke. Honesty, neighborliness, and strength. Thank you." Everyone clapped respectively as the man sat back down.

"And Emma Swan?"

Archie continued. The blonde stood and moved to the podium. I hadn't talked to her in a while. I hadn't really talked to anyone, not even Henry since Graham died.

Sure he annoyed the crap out of me but he was still a person. And I'm sixty percent sure he was a pretty good person.

"You guys all know I have what they call a troubled past." Emma started. "But you've been able to overlook it because of the, um..." she paused, "hero thing. But here's the thing. The fire was a set-up." She looked directly at Henry as she said this. I furrowed my brows as murmuring broke throughout the crowd.

"Mr Gold agreed to support me in this race, but I didn't know that that meant he was going to set a fire. I don't have definitive evidence. But I'm sure. And the worst part of all of this was... The worst part of all of this is I let you all think it was real. And I can't win that way. I'm sorry."


I walked into Mr Gold's shop once the election was over. Regina had gone to appoint Emma as the new Sheriff. It was a close bite but she had won the town over since she stood up to Mr Gold. People were afraid of Regina on this town, but more afraid of him. Even Henry says he's worse than Regina, and she's apparently the Evil Queen.

"Come to ask me why I did it?" I looked to the back room entrance where Gold walked out. "Why I set the fire in the mayors house."

"No." I shook my head with a shrug. "I already know the answer."

"And what, pray tell, is that?" He leaned on the counter, looking at me like I was just a piece to a game. "Is it because I wanted the town to see Emma as a hero? To forget her checkered past? To-"

"No." I cut him off. "You knew she wouldn't just let the fire go." I looked at him. "You knew she would call you out. And you were counting on it."

He looked at me curiously. "And how did you deduct that one?"

"Emma's predictable. It's like... chess, I guess. In order to increase your chances of winning, you have to take in the whole board, not just a specific area." I explained. "You know everyone in this town. You know how to manipulate and lie. I've had some experience with people like that. I can think like them. I can be one of them." I drummed my fingers along the counter. "Do whatever you want, Gold, I don't care. But don't hurt Henry. Don't mess with Henry." I glared at him. "Because he is the only family I have left. And I protect my family." I fiddled with my Mikaelson crest necklace. "Always and forever."

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