chapter eight: the boy who cried mermaid

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chapter eight:
' the boy who cried mermaid '

chapter eight:' the boy who cried mermaid '

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ELIAS WAS DREADING GYM THAT MORNING. Not just because he was the most nonathletic person in the universe, but because Kai Baylor was in his class. The school's basketball star and his douchey half-brother he tried to ignore at all costs. He had been pretty successful in that endeavor since Kai did everything he could do avoid him, too. But in Gym class they had no choice but to see each other. It was easily Elias' worst class of the day.

Coach Mitchell blew his whistles about three minutes after he let everyone go get changed in the locker room. "Alright, everyone line up."

It took about two minutes and constant blows from the Coach's whistles before everyone finally lined up, in their gym clothes. Elias made sure to line up as far away from Kai as he could. Like he did every class.

"Alright!" Coach Mitchell bellowed.

He was the basketball coach, so he obviously favored the basketball team, especially Kai. He was the team captain and easily the best player Port Draper High School had seen in years. No matter how much Coach Mitchell denied it, everyone knew it was true. His basketball team were like his kids. He didn't look like a typical coach, either, He was a pretty short guy, but apparently he had been good at basketball in his day. Now, he was old, bald, wrinkly, and a little bit overweight. Still, everyone at the school respected him and never questioned his authority.

"We're playing basketball today!"

Elias almost audibly groaned in protest. Of course they were playing basketball.

"I don't care if you're not good at basketball, just participate and you'll get the full points! I'm going to break you up into four different teams and we'll do two different games!" Coach lifted up a bucket of thin red and blue "jerseys" that you hang over your neck and then slammed it back on the ground.

Coach scratched his bald head and began to read names from his clipboard. "Alright, for the first game... the Red Team... Glover, Dawson, Wheeler, Frost, and Aguilar. Grab your jerseys."

The six students walked over to the bucket and grabbed the red jersey's, two of the kids did this somewhat reluctantly. Elias recognized them as Isaac Dawson, who ran the Debate team, and Lily Frost, a cheerleader.

Elias held his breath as Coach began to read off the blue team names. "Baylor, AJ, Winring, Guzman and... McKinnon."

Elias squeezed his eyes shut. Of course. Of course he was on a team with Kai Baylor. Someone had to be out for him. Didn't the coach know their whole situation? He had to have known. Practically all of Port Draper did. Half-brothers who hated each other? Why would he ever put them together?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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