chapter seven: matilda's locket

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chapter seven:
' matilda's locket '

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LEXIE DECIDED TO WALK TO SCHOOL THAT WEDNESDAY MORNING. Usually she would drive her car, but when she saw the sunrise as she was walking out of the house, she decided to walk. She loved sunrises more than anything in the world, and the one that morning was the prettiest she had seen since Summer. Besides, she was ready earlier than normal that morning, so she had time to walk to school. She even stopped on the path above the beach and looked out at the sun rising over the ocean as orange hues reflected off the blue waves like glass. She sighed contently. She could stay there all day, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand.

Until, she was interrupted. "Beautiful, isn't? I've always felt the sea holds wondrous secrets."

Lexie flipped around, not expecting an older lady — 60's at least — standing a few feet behind her, watching the ocean just like she was. How long had she been there?

Lexie chuckled nervously. "Yeah. Beautiful." She smiled politely and turned back to the beach, wondering if the woman was going to leave.

"So do you agree?"

Lexie tuned around again. "Sorry?"

"Do you agree that the sea holds wondrous secrets?" The lady asked, walking up to the same wooden railing looking over the beach, that Lexie was leaning on.

Lexie's breath hitched in her throat, and she quickly swallowed, giving the lady an answer. "Yeah. Not a lot of the ocean is discovered— only about 20 percent, if that... so, uh, yeah, there's probably a lot of secrets."

The older lady smiled, and it was a smile she had never seen before. When she smiled, it felt like she knew everything about you. Like she could read you. "You know your facts."

"Uh," Lexie nervously ran her hand through her hair. "Yeah, I have a photographic memory, so-"

Lexie didn't know why she was talking to this woman at all and telling her about herself. When she was younger, her parents taught her never to talk to strangers, but something about this strange woman made her want to tell her whole life story.

"You must be smart, then." The woman said in her natural soft voice. "Top of your class, I'm assuming."

Lexie chuckled, awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess so."

She didn't know why she kept talking. Maybe it was because sometimes when she started on a topic, she didn't seem to stop, which is why she didn't talk often, anymore. At least since Freshmen year.

"Well, you seem to have a deep understanding of the ocean. I can tell." The woman explained, simply, her long bead necklace making a rattle sound as she turned to fully face toward the ocean. "And that makes you smarter than anyone I know."

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