chapter two: something has changed

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chapter two:
something has changed

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IF YOU TOLD ROWAN HALIFAX A WEEK EARLIER that she was going to be stranded on Calmeda Island with two girls from her school that she didn't even know — one of whom she genuinely disliked, she would've told you were crazy. But there she was, on Calmeda Island at 6:30-something in the evening. She was dragging a red zodiac boat through the sand, with Lexie James and Sarah Fairchild's help. The sun was starting to go down and the zodiac boat they "borrowed" from Bellamy Dickhead Black had malfunctioned.

     It was safe to say things weren't looking good for the teenage girls.

     Once they finally got the boat all the way onto the shore of Calmeda, they set it down with heavy sighs.

     "Now what?" Lexie asked, gazing up at the towering, dormant volcano in the middle of the small island.

     "Don't know," Rowan replied with a shrug. "Do you guys have any ideas?"

Sarah groaned in annoyance. Lexie and Rowan looked to her.

     She was staring down at her phone. "Still no reception. We should try to get to higher ground to call someone."

     Sarah began walking toward the jungle that was on the island. Lexie and Rowan stayed put. Lexie didn't want to go in and meet a bunch of spiders, snakes, and alligators. Rowan didn't move, only cause she wanted to piss Sarah off.

Rowan rolled her eyes and called after the girl, "So you were worried about was on the island and now you're deliberately walking into the jungle?"

     "Do you have another idea or was your only one to wait here for someone to realize where we are and come rescue us?" Sarah asked, stopping in her tracks and crossed her arms.

     That question made the short brunette want to slap Sarah as hard as she could, but she restrained myself.

     "Fine," Rowan replied, annoyance laced in her voice. "Let's go," She walked toward the jungle and Lexie followed next to her.

     The three of them began to make their way through. Climbing over logs and rocks, dodging tree branches and vines, and trying to avoid the huge spiders. Sarah kept lifting her phone higher to try and get a reception. Rowan knew it wouldn't work, they were on a deserted island, of course there wouldn't be any reception. For someone who had one of the top scores in their entire grade, Rowan believed she was kind of dim.

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