chapter six: eye for an eye

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chapter six:
'eye for an eye'

SARAH DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE THIS CONVERSATION with her boyfriend at 9 o'clock on a Friday night

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SARAH DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE THIS CONVERSATION with her boyfriend at 9 o'clock on a Friday night. She wanted to sleep or hang out with her friends, but she knew she had to have this conversation with him at some point. He had been calling her and trying to talk to her at school, and honestly? She wasn't even mad at him anymore. She just had too much on her plate to deal with him. I mean, for God's sake, she just found out she could freeze water. She had other things on her mind, but he didn't seem to notice.

     "I'm sorry, Sarah." Jessie said, frowning, as the two teenagers stood on Sarah's porch. "I shouldn't have said all that bullshit about Rowan or laugh at the fact you can't swim. What do you want me to do to fix this? I'll do anything."

     Sarah sighed. "Look, I don't have energy for a fight right now, so could you just stop acting like a completely different person around Carlos, Ty, and Pheebs? You've done it for awhile, now and I don't like that you. He's a dick."

     Jessie chuckled. "I won't, okay? He's dead as far as I'm concerned. I promise."

     "Okay, good." The brunette nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

     Jessie planted a familiar kiss on her lips, causing her to smile even bigger. She loved when they were alone together. He was the sweetest guy she knew when they were alone. "I love you, Sarah."

     "Love you, too." She replied, kissing him this time. He kissed her back.

     He wouldn't love me anymore if he knew that I'm a fish. She thought, causing her to pull away and frown.

     He furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing her hands with his. "What's wrong?"

     She shook her head, quickly putting on another smile. "Nothing. Nothing." She tried to push the thought out of her head.

     He won't ever know. She'll get rid of the tail and powers and he won't ever have to know. No one will. She'll be normal again. She won't have to live in fear of water more than she already had to. She'll go back to the pool at Calmeda and reverse it. There's got to be a way to do that, right?

     "So, there's this pool party at Isobel Kinsler's on Saturday. Basically, the whole school is invited..." Jessie started. "And before you say no, we won't go anywhere near the water. We'll just eat snacks and hang out with our friends. So, please say yes."

     Sarah watched his hopeful face, and reluctantly nodded. "Yeah. That sounds fun." She knew she shouldn't go, because even being close to the water was a risk. So going to a pool party? That was stupid, but she didn't want to say no him, and besides... she wanted to go and socialize with her friends.

      He grinned. "Great."


     "You said yes?" Lexie asked, her eyes wide, as she leaned on the wall.

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