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 A R I A N N A

Running down the hall of the hospital with my friends hot on my heels, I don't allow myself to think. All I know is that I need to get back because Zaki sent a text whilst I was outside after consoling Amelia because the girls had shown up saying to come back.

My heart sinks into my stomach as I think of the worst.

No, no, no. It can't be happening. 

I narrowly miss hitting an elderly couple in my haste, making their way across the corridor.  I hear Kayden call out an apology after me as I round the corner leading to mum's room. My calves burn because I've never run faster in my life to get somewhere than I have now.

I don't think, don't stop to catch my breath, I just rush in with Amelia by my side, who Rowan places down.

"Mum,"  I gasp out of breath, clutching Amelia's tiny hand in my own as I hear Aria enter the room behind me, walking over to her bed, pushing past my aunts and uncles on my way to get to her bed. I sink into the stool beside her bed, beside Zayn, who sends me a smile, his bloodshot eyes mirroring my own. I blink back at him. 

Mum holds out a shaky hand, "Ari baby," She croaks, and I lurch forward, grasping her shaky, fragile hand in mine, flinching at how cold it is. "I'm sorry, meri Jaan." She apologises, her voice hoarse and weak, a word I've never associated with my mother. The woman who did the best she could to survive with what life had given her.

When life hands you lemons, you make it rain lemonade  she'd say.

She's apologising. No, she shouldn't ever apologise, least of all to me. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't fight the cancer,"

I shake my head, "No, mum," I tell her, my voice gentle. "I know you did the best you could."I whisper softly, leaning forward and wiping the array of tears flowing down her cheeks, knowing that mine are the same no doubt. Sending her a teary-eyed smile, I chuckle, "I know you held on for as long as you could mama," I offer my words coming out as a breathless whisper, with a small shrug of my shoulder as a lone tear falls from my eyes followed by another.

I'm quick to swipe them away with the back of my hands.

"Don't cry. You know I hate watching you cry" She murmurs softly, sitting up slowly, falling short when a hiss escapes her, her face contorting in pain.

Aaliyah's quick to adjust her pillows as dad and Audrey help her sit up. 

"How can I not mama?"  I ask with a soft sniffle, blinking rapidly to stop the onslaught of tears, swiping underneath my eyes.

She smiles sadly, "Beta, sometimes we plan and Allah swt plans. Trust in Him for He is the best of planners." Mum responds calmly, reaching out and cupping a hand over the side of my face. I lean into her touch, relishing in the feel of her soft and smooth skin against mine, knowing that this is the last time I get to have her this close to me before her touch becomes a distant memory. Secretly wishing that she had longer left. "This is part of a bigger plan, just have a little Faith baby," 

A hand is placed on my shoulder, tugging me back into a solid chest, arm wrapping around my waist as lips sweep across my forehead.  "Drop the act darling, you don't have to be strong anymore," Adrian murmurs into my ear, his chin on my shoulder as he leans down, holding a hand out.

"I can't," I  counter with a roll of my eyes, shaking my head. I can't when I have Amelia looking up to me because she has no idea what the hell is happening, apart from the fact that she's going to lose her mum at the ripe age of six. Before her life has even fully begun. "I can't,"  I repeat, my eyes flicking down to the hand he's holding out in front of me.

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