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The monsters in my head  no longer have horns, wings or tails. Now they have two arms, two legs and a human face. A face I can't get rid off no matter how hard I try.

S O N G:  The Monster Eminem ft Rihanna 

C H A P T E R  T W O

•A R I  A N N A•

By the time I am stumbling through the doors of my apartment, it's well past midnight but that doesn't stop me from making a beeline to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of wine. Slipping into a stool, 

"I didn't expect you to be awake," Comes the voice of Kayden a moment later from behind me and I turn to see him standing in the doorway, leaning back against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest as he arches a brow. 

I offer a shrug of my shoulder, " Just got back from my brother's." I tell him as I swivel around on my stool and unscrew the cork before taking a sip of red wine straight from the bottle.

 I hear Kayden take steps towards me before I feel the stool beside me being pulled out as he sinks down into the plush leather cushions. I can feel his eyes dart between me and the bottle I bring to my lips and take a long sip. "And the wine?" He asks with an arched brow when I risk a glance at him.

Releasing a sigh, "It's been a tiring day," I offer with a roll of my eyes – surprisingly, it's not a lie. From tossing and turning the whole night because my mind wouldn't turn off, to being in classes all day, and working the evening with a bunch of rowdy, drunken men – like I said, a long, tiring day. I chuckle, "Hell, it's been a tiring couple of years," I retort dryly with a snort when he doesn't responded.

"Ya know," Kayden drawls, fingers inching towards the bottle I clutch tighter in my fingers, knowing he doesn't drink wine – at least not red. "Drinking your problems away doesn't actually make them go away," He states with a chuckle as I slap his hands away.

I roll my eyes and run a hand through my hair. "Maybe not" I nod my head agreeing with him, slowly licking my lips, "But it sure as shit makes me forget about them,"  I shrug my shoulders, bringing the bottle to my lips.

"Kade, all I want is one night." I whine helplessly, "One fucking night where I don't feel his hands on my body as I tried and failed to fight him off. To escape."  I bite out, my voice bitter as I pinch my eyes closed as the memories of the night come flooding, until it's all I can think off.

Going over to Justin's place. Catching him in bed with a blonde – Tasha.  Breaking up with Justin. Running away from his place. Not realizing someone was following me until it was too late. Being dragged into an alley behind some restaurant downtown. Staring into those cold, empty, lifeless green eyes as I screamed bloody murder, hoping and praying like hell someone would hear me. Someone would save me from this monster.

I begged, I fought him. How? How could he have taken that as a sign that I wanted him?

Shaking these thoughts off before they have the chance to spiral even further – somehow, they always do – I stand up, finishing my glass of wine off before placing it in the sink and trudging out of the kitchen, murmuring a lazy goodnight over my shoulder to Kayden before I continue to make my way down the hall, slipping into my room and locking the door behind me. 

Stripping out of my white sweater and coat, I shimmy out of my jeans as I stroll into my walk in closet to get changed into something comfortable for the night before carrying out my night time routine in the bathroom – consisting of brushing my teeth, taking my makeup off before washing my face and exfoliating with a mask – before climbing into bed.

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