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Chapter fourteen

Friend's don't look at each other like that

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Friend's don't look at each other like that.

~ But I think we both knew that we couldn't be more than friends. At  least not right now.

• A D R I A N•

Neon strobe lights flicker across the room, illuminating the walls of the room in fluorescent neon pink lights. Conversation flowed across the table but I couldn't take my eyes off her as she throws her head back in laughter at something Jordan – or whatever the fuck his name was– said. I wasn't really paying attention to the fucker when she introduced him earlier, to him and Aria's brother, too laser focused on the hand that was settled on the tanned flesh of her waist.

Arianna looks beautiful, fuck stunning even, but doesn't she always?

She runs a hand threw her locks, straightened for once, and twirled a lock around her finger whilst biting her lip. Her eyes flickered across the table, purposefully avoiding my piercing gaze staring at her in awe.

"Hey, you good?" Kayden asks slapping me on the back as I shuffle down the bench, allowing him room to squeeze in with Sierra wrapped up in his arms.

  "You know, staring at her ain't gonna do shit." The asshole, also known as my best bud since the second grade,  Axel Carrington mumbles around the rim of his beer, eyes flickering to the person in question as she whispers something in Jordan's ear before standing up and excusing herself, dragging a reluctant Freya and Aria along with her. "Grow some fucking balls." He winces in pain when my elbow accidentally hits his bruised –  but thankfully not broken – ribs, having had a underground fight yesterday. 

"This better not be about Ari," Kayden interjects, holding a hand between the two of us.

"Oh yeah, like you're one to talk?" I arch a brow with a laugh tumbling out of me, completely ignoring Kayden because what the fuck does to he know. I was the one who had her right in my hands last night before she fled inside the house like her ass caught on fire. "Because we both know how long it took you to make a move with Fina," I add on with a teasing grin shrugging my shoulder. "Speaking off, where is she?"

"Touché, fucker."  He grumbles with a sharp exhale as he shifts in his spot just as his older twin by two minutes, Savannah, joins us, shuffling closer to Axel to be heard over the music.

"What was that about Fina?" She grins, blinking up at Axel through half hooded lashes before she huffs out a breath as her shoulders slump together in defeat when Axel chooses to stay silent. Wise choice on his part. What with Savannah staring at him, bottom lip pouted, glaring at him through half lidded eyes.

Ax sits up straighter and glances at his sister, who has him wrapped around her finger mind you, before releasing a groan, "Sav, I won't tell you." He shakes his head as she shoots him a playful glare, not looking pissed off in the least but she shoves him away with a laugh. She spins her fierce gaze like molten lava on me and I hold my hand up in mock surrender arching a playful brow in mild amusement.

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