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Chapter Thirteen

He smiled and all I could think was 

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He smiled and all I could think was 

'oh shit," 


Strutting through the hallway of the University building leading to the canteen, my Louboutin's heels click against the tiled floor as I strut through the doors leading to the cafeteria, without my morning coffee because somebody – read Kayden Forrester, people– thought it would be a great fucking idea to turn off my alarm allowing me to sleep in, thus making me run late.

I can survive just fine without a lie in, I can't get through a nine AM lecture without my morning coffee – especially when it's with Dawson. The guy can put half his students to sleep on a good day.

"Oh my God." I gasp as I'm approaching our usual table in the back corner of the canteen, surrounded by my friends, supporting cheek-splitting grins, as I spot the balloons and banners. "How and when the fuck did you find the time to do this?" I ask in all seriousness, taking a seat in between Ria and Rowan, a gift bag filled with tissue paper with my name on it, is thrusted my way by Sierra, the following Monday morning. "Guys, come on." I groan seeing Aria and Ava pull out gift bags underneath the table. "It isn't a big deal, and you didn't have to,"

"Well, we did," Ava states, smacking a kiss onto my cheek before plopping down beside me as Ria climbs onto the table in front of us.  "So lucky you."

"Happy birthday Ari," Ria coos, as she waves the bag in front of my face. With a roll of my eyes, I accept it and laugh when I pull it open to reveal an animated book with the title, Reasons why the Hayes Siblings love Arianna Malik. I laugh, flicking back my curls and thanking her with a massive hug before flicking through the pages and reading the sweetest messages ever from her and her two brothers.

Hunter and Nathan Hayes. 

She's never failed to make me laugh despite everything she's been through.

Arianna always somehow knows the right words to say to make whatever you're going through seem better.

The thing I admire most about Arianna is how she's gone through so much, pain on a level that no one should have to endure, and she's still somehow smiling, she's still fighting. Still standing stronger than ever.

Blinking back the tears that prick the corners of my eyes at the sweet and encouraging messages from the Hayes brothers, who I've known for about the same time I've known Ria since I was five, I breathe in counting to ten in my head and exhaling. "I think that's the sweetest your brothers have ever been." I tease with a laugh nudging her with my shoulders, murmuring a soft thank you.

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