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C H A P T E R  T E N

The pain doesn't get any easier to handle,

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The pain doesn't get any easier to handle,

You just get better at hiding it 

•A R I A N N A • 

"I wanna kill him," I seethe, my voice holding a venomous edge I didn't know I was capable off as I stalk into my apartment. 

"Whose murder are ya planning now?" Kayden teases as I stroll into the lounge the next day, after spending most of the night driving around the city, after leaving Adrian's apartment, to try and clear my head and gather my thoughts which are seemingly all over the place as of late.

The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get at Zee. 

"Geez you look like shit," Kayden comments, over the rim of his coffee cup, glancing over when I sluggishly enter the lounge and arching a brow.

"Thanks,"   I roll my eyes as I plop down on the couch beside him, curling up into myself and pulling the blanket off him and draping it over myself.  Glaring at him when he pulls it back on him, I smack his hands away.

"Damn, you're fucking nails." He hisses, lips turning to form a scowl, hand retreating away. 

"So whose murder are you planning?" Ria asks arching a brow as she leans forward in her seat, "And why do you look like shit," She adds on a moment later as I feel her gaze rake down my face.

"Whose planning a murder?" Ser asks as she strolls in, wild blue eyes darting across the room, flickering over all of our faces before they land on me. In her hands, she holds two mugs of coffee, she hands me one, before plopping down beside me, gently draping the blanket over her legs.  "And why do you look like that?" 

"Never mind me, how was your date?" I ask turning to Sierra with a smile, placing a hand on her knee. She covers my hand with hers and sends me a smile, "It was amazing, but tell me who we're murdering first? And can I help?" 

 "where were you?" Ria asks, arching a brow. "Wait a minute- you didn't come home last night," 

"Because it was one am and I drove around the city for hours on end listening to nothing but own thoughts with no real destination." I point out, bringing my cup of coffee and blowing gently. "I needed to get my head on straight," I tell them, sitting up straighter and handing Sierra my mug before I tie my hair into a ponytail before sitting back against the couch.

 "Zayn .... He fucked up."  I confess, biting my lip as I shake my head. He bought Audrey around, or let her in, I don't know which one's worse and frankly I don't give a shit. She was there and he knew that I didn't wanna have to see her, talk to her, look at her. I want nothing to do with the so called sister who hated me growing up. I'm done with her.

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