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 • A R I A N N A •

"Class is dismissed," Jenna dismisses us and I slam my notebook shut, containing my assignment brief and content, shoving it in my bag as I get lost in the sea of a hundred students rushing to get out of there and grab the best table for lunch. Pushing and shoving my way through the crowd, I startle when  a calloused hand wraps around my elbow and pulls me back into him.

Jerking away from the hand, already having a good idea of who the hand belongs to, "Most people would thank me," The owner of the hand wrapped around my elbow speaks, his voice low in my ear, his hot minty breath fanning my neck. 

"Unlike most girls here, I am not some damsel in distress that needs saving,"  I point out through gritted teeth as I continue to elbow my way past my peers after once again pulling my arm free, and step out into the corridor, leaving Adrian standing in his spot. Or so, I thought.

Instead he follows me down the corridor, a step or two behind me,as I make my way to the canteen. Strutting in through the doors, I scan the crowd in search of my friends, until a strong calloused hand clasps itself around my wrist and tugs me to the side,

"Did I ever say that you're some damsel in distress?" He questions, his eyes narrowing into slits. "Arianna," He huffs out a breath when I don't answer his question, instead choosing to glare at the back of his head. 

Rolling my eyes when he shakes my hand, I mumble a disinterested no, "Well then," He offers with a casual shrug of his shoulders. "I don't know where you got that stupid idea from," He shakes his head at something behind me but I don't turn to look, keeping my glare directed on him "but drop it princess," 

Truth is my walls came down quickly with Adrian and I don't why or how the fuck he did it, but he makes me ... I don't know... vulnerable. The supposed player and womanizer of London King College makes me vulnerable. He makes me want to tear down my walls and show him my heart despite the walls guarding my heart from being shattered, being built so high in the first place.

 Despite my walls being there in the first place to protect myself from people who only care about themselves. From people who cheat, lie and betray without a second thought. From people who took something from me that wasn't theirs to take without a second thought. My walls are there to protect me from people who have only ever taken an interest in me because my brother is a famous singer, raking in millions.

Adrian King makes me vulnerable and I am not sure whether I like it. 

Shrugging his grip off of me, I push past him and stalk over to the table where Kayden, Sierra and Ria sit. Plopping down in the spare seat beside Sierra, I press a kiss against her cheek, murmuring a soft "hey," as I pull away. 

"How was class?" Ser asks, blue eyes flickering over to Adrian as he hovers around the table before huffing out a breath and plopping down opposite me, shooting me a glare as if to remind me our earlier conversation isn't over. 

"Same as usual," I reply flicking my curls over my shoulder as Rowan joins us, coffee cups in his hands. "Long and boring," 

"God bless your soul, Row," I tease, thanking him for the coffee as he hands me a vanilla bean latte from the coffee shop on campus. 

"Hey, don't forget me," Freya teases with a smile, taking the spare seat between Ria and Rowan.

"Like anyone ever could," I toss back with a laugh, taking a sip of my latte.

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