Chapter 1: The Burrow

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"Little Bird, go help Harry with his things will you." Wren said.

"That'd be great, c'mon in." Harry said.

Raven moved to step into the house. "No more freaks in my house!" Vernon barked, reaching to grab Raven.

Wren retaliated, quickly pulling Raven back and using her wand to slam Vernon against the wall. Uri hissed and growled at him, while Petunia gasped in fear. "Don't you ever try and lay your filthy hands on my son again!" Wren growled.

Wren knew this guy wasn't very smart, but now she knew that he was a complete moron. Had he not remembered his encounter with her last year? She wasn't very fond of him then and she was even less fond of him now. She wouldn't hesitate to hurt him if he did anything to Raven.

Raven walked in giving the Dursley's a sly smirk. You mess with me, you answer to her. He thought. Raven followed Harry up to his bedroom and started helping him gather his things, while Wren waited near the front door with Uri. Vernon and Petunia retreated to the kitchen in complete fear.

"You know, I wasn't expecting to kidnap you again." Raven joked, grabbing Harry's things.

"If you can kidnap me next year too, that'd be great." Harry said.

"I'll see what I can do." Raven smirked.

"So, did Mr. Weasley manage to get tickets for you and your mum as well?" Harry asked.

"No, Mum will go on patrol before the match starts when we get there, so her and I get to watch for free." Raven said.

"Oh, that's pretty cool." Harry said, as he grabbed the last of his things. The two then headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs back to Wren.

"Got everything boys?" Wren asked.

"Yep." Harry said.

"Alright." Wren said, and used the Reducio Charm on Harry's things and stuffed them in her pockets. "Almost running out of pockets for everything." She giggled.

"Won't I get in trouble if you use magic around me?" Harry asked worried.

"Not to worry, Harry." Wren said. "The Ministry knows I'm here, and they're aware of your relatives 'personalities.'

"She always plans ahead." Raven said.

"So, how are we getting to the Burrow?" Harry asked.

"Hold onto my arm." Wren instructed. Harry grabbed her left arm confused, while Raven picked Uri up and held Wren's right arm.


Harry felt extremely weird, he had never experienced something like this before. As they landed at the Burrow, Harry immediately threw up on ground. "There, there, let it out." Wren said, rubbing his back. Raven let Uri down to go find Crookshanks and play. "Scourgify!" Wren cast, cleaning up Harry and the ground. "Nothing to be ashamed about, dear. I threw up my first time as well."

"Really?" Harry questioned. Wren hummed and nodded. "Did you also throw up, Raven?"

"No, but I landed flat on my face." Raven chuckled.

"Only because he snorted his breakfast out that morning." Wren retorted.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Nothing, inside joke." Raven said, waving him off.

"By the way, Harry, you need a haircut" Wren said, ruffling his hair. "Your hair's starting to look like a birds nest."

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