46 • Wet Blanket

Start from the beginning

Reaching the door you tried to listen for voices, but heard none. Carefully you pushed the handle down. The door luckily didn't make a sound as you sought  a glimpse of the room. You saw nothing. Opening the door further you found the room empty. Still, you walked in, rushing to his desk, looking for any clues or anything you could use for leverage aginst the white haired wizard. But it was practically empty.

«You don't know how many times I imagined taking you right there», a voice said behind you, sending shivers down your back. Turning around you saw him standing there in all his glory, his cane in his gloved hands, wearing a black suit and a black shirt. He had cleaned up already since seeing him last. His neck tattoo peeking out from the side of his neck, halfway covered by his hair. He hadn't changed much, he just looked a bit more... rough.

«Where's Scarlet?», you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

«So that's her name. Scarlet Malfoy. Interesting», he pointed out. The sound of it made your insides burn, and definitely not in a good way. Walking towards you the door slammed behind him, and the sound of his lock made you gulp. «My servant told me you were here», he said calmly, and you mentally cursed the elf for tricking you.

«Where is she?», you spat.

Lucius walked closer to you, and as he did you walked backwards. But the desk stopped you in your tracks. «Somewhere safe until I've decided what to do with her», he said as he brushed your hair behind your ear. Having him this close had once been thrilling, but at this point it was anything but. «And I haven't quite decided what to do with you», he said seductively.

«Give her back to me», you replied, trying not to show him how much he intimidated you. He clicked his tongue repeatedly.

«My sweet girl, my black rose; you can't have her», he said as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

The anger inside you started boiling, «why the hell not?», you spat. He was impressed by your fiery reply.

«The past two years made you bold, I see», his husky voice rang in your ears as he was uncomfortably close to your face. «But how can you be so bold, knowing you ran away from me a second time when I warned you not to?», he asked, gripping your jaw in his hand.

«Give me my daughter back, Lucius», you said through gritted teeth. He furrowed his eyebrows angrily.

«I never said you could call me that», he said, «and dare I remind you it is our daughter?»

«She isn't yours, Lucius», you said as you tried to pull away. He only gripped you tighter.

«Isn't mine, you say?», he sniggered, «you seem to take me for a fool, Y/N».

«You are one», you growled, making him furious. He pushed you backwards onto his desk, making your bag fall to the floor. His hand was around your throat.

«I should punish you right here, right now, for your bad behaviour», he replied, «as I said, I have imagined taking you on this desk several times», he looked down at you in arrogance.

«Let go of me», you said, clutching his hand in attempt to have him loosen his grip.

«Why did you run, little flower?», he asked, his silken voice came out to play.

«Because of you», you exclaimed, your voice breaking as he pressed upon your airways.

«Me?», he sniggered, «the way I remember it you were begging for me on more than one occasion», he leaned down and whispered into your ear, «your pussy was so wet for me». You squirmed underneath him as tears threatened to fall.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now