036. night terrors

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The three guys are all woken up by screaming. Billy immediately gets out of his bed and races to Daphne's room, recognizing the scream as hers. Billy swings the door open, seeing Daphne thrashing around in her bed.

"No! No! Stop, please!" She screams.

"Daffy? Hey, hey, Daphne?" Billy goes over to her. "Daphne!"

Sam and Dean run in with their guns drawn, but lower their weapons when they don't see any danger. Their gaze goes to Daphne, their hearts breaking as Billy tries to wake her up.

"What's happening?" The two turn to see Cas in the doorway and Mary walks up.

"Is she okay?" Mary asks.

"Um... it, uh, she... she's just-- she's having a nightmare." Sam says.

"Daffy, hey, hey. It's Billy. It's me! It's Billy!" He tries to hold her down before she hurts herself. "Daphne!" He shouts. Daphne jolts awake, scrambling to sit up.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's me. It's just me. It's Billy." He tells her, holding his hands out.

Sam and Dean quietly usher Mary and Cas out, the four standing outside the door.

Daphne immediately breaks down sobbing.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Billy brushes some of her sweaty hair back. He sits on the bed and she collapses against his chest, sobbing into his shoulder, one hand gripping onto his shirt like a lifeline. "I got you. I'm right here. You're safe now. It's okay."

Sam and Dean share a sad look before motioning to the other two, the four quietly walking off.

Billy continues to hold Daphne as she bawls, memories of her torture flashing through her mind. Eventually her tears run out and the two siblings stay up watching movies until Daphne eventually manages to fall asleep in the comfort of her big brother's arms.


Sam, Dean, Daphne, and Billy are in the kitchen eating breakfast. The brothers already ate, but Billy is still eating cereal and Daphne is eating pancakes that Dean made.

The three men constantly glance at Daphne or stare at her for a few seconds too long. Daphne huffs as Sam casts his twentieth worried glance in her direction within the past ten minutes.

"Can you three stop staring?" Daphne asks.

"We... uh, we're-- we're not." Dean argues.

"Okay, well, you're glancing over every .5 seconds." Daphne says.

"What?" Dean scoffs. "No... no, we're not."

"Okay, if you're not gonna stop looking, at least stop lying." Daphne says. Dean doesn't reply, knowing his lying skills currently suck.

"We're just... we're worried. That-- that's all." Sam says.

"Nobody's worried about Billy? He got tortured too." Daphne says.

"Well, yeah, sure, we're worried for his mental health. But he also hasn't been waking up screaming all week." Dean says.

"They're just night terrors." Daphne grumbles.

"Which isn't necessarily something to take lightly." Dean says.

"Look, Daph, we just-- we're worried." Sam says. 

"Yeah, you said that." She says.

"Okay, we're not getting anywhere with this. But when you wanna talk, we're here. Or if you need overnight company, we're here. Capiche?" Dean tells her as she moves the pieces of pancake around. "Hey." Dean waves his hand in her direction. "Capiche?"

freaks come out at night, SPN, DISCONTINUEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu