022. marshmallow nachos

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Dean and Billy both tiredly walk into the kitchen, Billy waking up from Sam shouting.

"This can't be happening." Sam says. He's holding air and has his other hand in a fist, as if ready to punch somebody.

"Dude. Who you talking to?" Dean asks.

"Him." Sam says.

"Him who?" Billy asks.

"Are you having a stroke? Do you smell toast?" Dean asks. "What is all of this crap? When did you start eating this stuff? Is that marshmallows on nachos?"

"Yeah, this wasn't me." Sam motions to the table of junk food.

"It was me." The two turn to see a man appear by Sam. "And those are you delicious?"

"Wait a second. C-Can you see him?" Sam asks.

"Uh-huh." Dean answers as Billy nods.

"Dean, this is, um... I think this is... Sully, my friend from when I was a kid." Sam says.

"You mean Mork from Ork here is your dumbass imaginary friend Sully?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Um, I'm not dumb or ass." Sully says.

"I'm gonna get my gun." Dean goes to leave.

"No, please." Sully objects, Dean turning with his hands held out, reading to fight. "Someone killed my friend."

"You mean your imaginary imaginary friend?" Dean retorts.

"First off, imaginary friend is more of a descriptive term. How you just said it -- that was a little offensive, just to be honest. Secondly, we're Zanna. Me and... and me the victim, we're Zanna. We help kids. We're the good guys. Sam, tell him."

"Yeah, okay. Um... you know what, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole you being real thing." Sam says.

"Aww! Yeah, no, no, of course. No, that's okay, that's okay. This is all really unexpected." Sully comforts.

"Yeah, that's one word of it." Dean says.

"Just... I need your help. You're hunters, that's what you do, right? I mean, you help people too." Sully says.

"Yeah, yeah. People. You are not that." Dean says.

"Dean, come on." Sam says.

"Come on? Are you kiddi-- look, this-- mother-- you and me, library, right now. Come on!" Dean demands. Sam walks out.

"I'm gonna stay and eat." Billy walks to the table.

"Don't think so." Dean yanks on the back of his shirt and pushes him to the entryway, Billy reluctantly walking to the library. Sully goes to follow Dean. "Ah!"

"Aah! Yeah, no, I'll just stay here. Coolio." Sully says. Dean goes to the library.

"You're not actually buying this crap, are you?" Dean asks.

"Dean, when I was nine years old, you know what I wanted more than anything? Marshmallow nachos." Sam says.

"Yeah, you were a weird-ass kid." Dean says.

"Yeah, well, the only person I ever told about it..." Sam motions to the kitchen.



"I don't know, man. I... hey, you know, maybe this is just one of your visions."

"Yeah, except we're both seeing it. And it doesn't involve the cage or Lucifer, or me having to talk to Lucifer in the cage. Look at this. Here." Sam shows Dean and Billy a page in a book. "In Romanian lore, Zanna are creatures who guide and protect lost children. Zanna intentionally appear as figments of a child's imagination, allowing the child to move on with confidence once guidance is no longer necessary."

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