003. scream knockoff

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Sam and Dean had talked to the victim's mom of the case they're working. Daphne and Billy follow the two as they walk up to a van with "Ghosterfacers" written across the side in large letters.

"Son of a bitch." Dean says.

"Oh, hey, I've heard of these guys. Don't they, like, know a crapload of supernatural-y stuff?" Daphne asks.

"No." The brothers deny, Sam's voice gentler than Dean's.

"They're just idiots who haven't managed to die yet." Dean says, walking off.

"Why does he sound upset? Isn't not dying a good thing?" Daphne asks.

"We're just not... super huge fans of them." Sam says.

"I'm gonna get a lot of neck cramps hanging out with you." Daphne comments before skipping off after Dean.

"I—" Sam isn't sure what to say.

"Loving the lack of filter on her, huh?" Billy smirks. "Yeah, it can get pretty annoying." He trudges towards the diner, Sam quietly following.

Sam and Dean slide into the booth two guys are already sitting in.

"Ah, the Winchesters. Yay." One says.

"Says nobody." The other one says.

"Ever." The first one ends.

Billy pulls up two chairs, him and Daphne sitting at the end of the table.

"Hello." The first guy smiles at Daphne.

"She's fourteen." Billy states.

"Goodbye." The same one looks away.

"Who are these two?" The second one asks. "You guys didn't kidnap kids, did you?"

"I'm eighteen." Billy informs.

"Why would we be compliantly walk into a diner if they kidnapped us?" Daphne questions.

"All right, shut up and listen." Dean intervenes. "This is how it's gonna go. You two clowns are gonna get into that mystery machine outside, and you're gonna leave town or I'm gonna put holes in your knees."

"You guys should get a mystery machine." Daphne whispers to Sam, even though everybody else hears.

"We're not replacing my baby." Dean declares.

"Your baby?" The two siblings question.

"Shut up." Dean barks as the waiter walks over.

"Can I get you guys anything?" He asks.

"Uh, we're ready for the bill." Dean says.

"I was actually kinda hungry." Daphne quietly says.

"Too bad." Dean says.

"Hey." Another worker calls. "There's still crud on this plate. Now, hit the sinks and do it right."

"Sorry, Trey." The waiter says, walking off.

"Ahh, first of all, you guys don't scare us." Harry says.

"Not at all." Ed says.

"Though the moody kid is kind of giving me the creeps." Harry says making Billy roll his eyes.

"I told you you look scary like that." Daphne whispers.

"I'm not even doing anything." Billy hisses.

"Say "hola" to my little pistola." Harry lifts his shirt to reveal a gun in the waistband of his pants.

"Am I supposed to be impressed with that treasure trail or the lady gun you got hiding in your, uh, pants there?" Dean asks.

"Uh... both?" Harry says. "Look, whether you like it or not, we are handling this situation."

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