006. angel army

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The four get out of the Impala in front of a building.

"This is the address?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods. They got to the door and as Dean goes to knock on it, it opens to reveal a guy.

"If you'll follow me, the commander will see you now." He states before noticing the two teenagers. "He only mentioned two of you."

"Right, but, uh, they're-- they're safe. They're with us." Sam assures.

The angel looks uncertain, but leads them in.

"The commander?" Dean asks Sam. He follows the angel, Sam letting the two teens go before him. They walk through the place, the angel leading them to an office.

"Ooh, that looks so cool." Daphne walks to a desk, but is quickly pulled back by Billy.

"No touching." He tells her.

"Okay, I'm not five." Daphne grumbles.

"You sure about that?" Billy questions.

The angel leads them into an office where Cas is.

"Sir." The angel calls getting Cas to turn around. Cas hugs Dean before hugging Sam.

"Um... dismissed." Cas tells the angel who leaves. "He can be a little stuffy."

"So... commander?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, not my idea. They had no leader, and they insisted on following me." Cas says. He looks behind the brothers, noticing the teenagers. "You two must be Daphne and Billy."

"Hi." Daphne smiles and waves. Billy forces a small smile.

"Um, guys, this is Castiel. Or, well, Cas." Sam informs.

"Sam and Dean have told me about you two. I'm sorry about your parents." Cas says.

"So, um... random question. Since you're, like, you know, an angel and everything. Would... would you be able to know if they're in Heaven?" Daphne asks.

"Or in Hell." Billy adds.

"Billy." Daphne hisses.

"What? Not that I'm exactly religious, but pre-marital sex — not to mention pre-marital childbirth — is a sin, last I checked." Billy says. Daphne rolls her eyes.

"The only person in our family that should go to Hell is grandma." Daphne states.

"Do they not know?" Cas looks between the brothers.

"We don't know a lot of things." Billy answers.

"Know about what?" Daphne asks.

"Well..." Cas starts.

"Cas—" Sam tries to stop him.

"All the angels fell and Heaven is locked up. No souls are able to get in." Cas states.

"Oh. Well... you still learn something new everyday." Daphne mumbles. "So where are they?"

"Well, given they're not in Hell, then... they're in the veil. They're ghosts." Cas informs.

"Okay, what'd you call us in for?" Dean asks Cas, changing the subject. Seeing the saddened look in Daphne's usually bright eyes for whatever reason tugs at the hunter's heart strings making him look away from her.

"Bartholomew is dead." Cas states. "Malachi was murdered by Gadreel, and with Metatron as powerful as he is now, I needed to do something." Cas says.

"So this war between angels is really gonna happen, huh?" Sam asks.

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