027. time travel

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The four are in the library.

"Who knew the Men of Letters had European chapters?" Dean wonders.

"Maybe it wasn't an entire chapter, just an asset, you know?" Sam says.

"Yeah, and letting women join way back in the '40s? I just never got the impression that they were so big on gender equality. You know, it's right there in the name." Dean says.

"Well, it was World War II. Kind of an all hands on deck situation, you know?" Sam says.

"Yeah, Rosie the Riveter. Cool." Dean says.

"Here we go. This report was written by Clifford Henshaw, a bunker based Men of Letters back in 1943. It's the right era... but it's in French." Sam says.

"I'm assuming you guys don't know French." Daphne says.

"Do you?" Sam retorts.

"Je m'appelle." Daphne says.

"Dude." Billy rolls her eyes. "She got that off Friends. It's gonna be the only French she knows."

"Well, I'm 16 and a high school dropout. Why would I know anymore?" Daphne remarks.

"I took Italian in high school, so..." Billy shrugs.

"Okay, so none of us know French. Glad we had this pointless conversation and wasted one minute of my life." Dean smiles.

~ ~ ~

"Well?" Dean asks, walking in to the library with a beer.

"Hey. So it's definitely about Delphine. Her name's at the top of every page. Check this out, transcriptions. From transatlantic cables between Clifford and Delphine."

"What'd they say?" Dean asks.

"Give me a second. Web translation's kind of buggy." Sam says. "Seriously? Dude, it's like noon." He says, noticing the beer.

"Uh, well, you drank all the coffee, so what am I supposed to drink water?" Dean asks.

"Look at this. They were making arrangements to get the artifact out of Europe to keep it safe. Henshaw pulled some strings with a Man of Letters in the OSS to requisition an active US submarine to transport Delphine and the weapon back to the states. Back to here."

"The bunker?"


"So it's been here the whole time?"

"Uh... no. It never arrived. The USS Bluefin came under German attack midway through its trip across the Atlantic, the sub was sunk, the ship and its contents haven't been recovered to this day. Great. It's lost."

"Or is it?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. I mean, tides took the wreckage, submersibles have been trying to locate it for years. I mean, if James Cameron and his Avatar billions can't find it..."

"Yeah, but... we have something James Cameron doesn't have."


"There were several God touched objects, but it never occurred to me that any of them survived the flood, let alone the 20th century." Cas says.

"Do you think we can use it against Amara?" Sam asks.

"It's perfect... and I can get you back there." Cas says.

"Without wings? Cas, you can't even teleport." Sam says.

"Time travel is a, it's a whole different system." Cas says.

"Told ya!" Dean grins.

"So, uh, these the last coordinates?" Cas asks.

"That's the Bluefin's last transmission to shore, yeah." Dean nods.

freaks come out at night, SPN, DISCONTINUEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon