020. 'lizzie borden took an axe'

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Sam and Billy are sitting in the library when Dean walks in.

"Yo. Don't suppose you've got a 20 on the darkness." Dean says.

"Uh... well, I thought I had something earlier. Half a town flipped their gourds and started attacking people. But it turns out they'd eaten rabid possum meat." Sam says, taking the beer Dean gives him.

"Okay, they do realize that possum is a giant rat, right?" Dean asks.

"It's a marsupial." Sam corrects.


"Not the point. Check this out." Sam turns his laptop to Dean. "Um, a couple was ax murdered in Fall Rivers, Massachusetts at -- wait for it... the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Museum."

"A B&B and a museum? Yeah, that doesn't sound like a tourist trap at all." Dean retorts.

"I mean, the thing is the inn was Lizzie Borden's actual house. In 1892, she hacked up her dad and stepmom there. Or allegedly hacked them up. She was acquitted and ended up spending the rest of her days in Fall Rivers hounded and persecuted by the townspeople."

"So you're thinking revenge killing? Why now? It was probably some psycho fan who's seen too many slasher flicks." Dean says.

"Could be, but the inn was locked up. No signs of entry or exit. Half a dozen guests. None of whom saw or heard any intruders." Sam says.

"Well, maybe the murderer was actually competent. Wait a minute... I know what this is. This has something to do with your freaky fetish for serial killers." Dean says.

"Your what?" Billy looks at Sam.

"It's not a fetish." Sam says.

"You've always wanted to see that house." Dean insists.

"Dean, two people are dead. In Lizzie Borden's home. We got no leads on Amara, I say we check this out." Sam shuts his laptop and stands up. "Besides, the entire Borden clan are buried in Fall Rivers -- including Lizzie."

"Yeah, can't wait to dig those bodies up." Billy mumbles.

"What do you want to do about Cas?" Dean asks.

"Oh, he's knee deep binge watching The Wire. Just started season 2." Sam informs.

"Oh, he's not coming out any time soon. All right." Dean shrugs.

"Can we come with you guys?" Billy asks. "I just... it'd be good for Daph to get out."

"Sure she can handle being around me?" Dean asks.

"She doesn't mean to be distant. She just-- she has somewhat of a history with violence. It just... it's not really you, it's more so past memories." Billy says.

"Wha-What history?" Sam asks, his voice and face full of concern.

"Well, there's bullies. And then--" Billy stops and clears his throat. "It's really something she should tell you. I mean, it-it wasn't my life, so... but, yeah."

"Yeah. Yeah, sure, you guys can come." Sam nods.

"Sweet." Billy gently hits the table before leaving.

"What violent history?" Dean hisses.

"Obviously I don't know, Dean." Sam says.

"Well, it wasn't Billy or her parents. She said her grandma just did verbal abuse." Dean says.

"I don't know. I mean, if they've already mentioned bullies, then... then maybe another extended family member or-or some friend or something." Sam shrugs.

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