035. british men of letters

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Toni walks into the cellar, shutting the door behind her, making her way down the stairs. Sam is chained to a chair that's placed over a drain. Daphne is chained to a chair a few feet away from him and Billy's wrists are chained up to the ceiling.

Ms. Watt walks over and presses the cattle prod to Sam's side and he wakes up with a yell of pain.

"Be a good boy." She tells him. Sam sees Toni reach the bottom of the stairs.

"You." Sam growls. He struggles against the handcuffs and cuffs around his ankles. Ms. Watt goes to Daphne, pressing her with the cattle prod and she wakes up, screaming.

Billy groans he wakes up, their screams making him jolt awake. Billy tugs on the chains, looking up at his restrained wrists.

Toni sits down on the other side of the room at a table. She gets a notebook and pulls a pen out, taking the cap off.

"Now. Let's begin." Toni says.

"Toni Bevell, London Chapterhouse." Sam says.

"That's right." Toni says.

"So, you're what? You're, uh, English Men of Letters?" Sam asks.

"British." Toni corrects.

"Yeah, don't really give a shit." Billy gives her an annoyed smile.

"Where are we?" Sam asks.

"Does it matter?" Toni questions.

"Just wondering how far we're gonna have to walk back to town after I kill you. And her. But you first." Sam says.

"Yes, well, before you murder us all, we do have a few questions about you, your brother, hunters in America, and how you saved the sun." Toni says.

"Right. You shoot me, kidnap us, but, yeah, happy to help." Sam says.

"She also shot me." Daphne informs. Sam looks over, seeing the blood stain on her shirt. Sam clenches his jaw, glaring back over at Toni.

"I didn't want to hurt either of you, Sam. You gave me no choice. And, well, I could say it was never supposed to go this way, but you're... you. It was always going to go this way."

"And you know me?" Sam asks.

"We do. We've been watching you and your brother for years. Ever since you almost ended the world the first time. We knew all about Lucifer, the angels falling." Toni says.

"Then where were you?" Sam asks.

"Fair question. See, some of us wanted to get involved, but the old men wouldn't allow it. Thought we were overstepping our bounds. After all this business with the Darkness, even they have to agree, things need to change. And while you might not believe this, Sam, we're here to help."

"Yeah, no, I-I can tell."

"I want to apologize for locking you all up. You're dangerous -- to others and yourselves -- but if you answer my questions, you three walk out that door. I promise."



"You can ask me any kind of question you want. The answer's gonna bet he exact same -- fuck you. You want to get mad? You want to get mean? I've been tortured by the devil himself. So, you? You're just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me?"

"Even if we don't break you... I'm certain we can break your surrogate children." Toni says. She puts the cap back on her pen and nods to Ms. Watt.

Ms. Watt turns a faucet and water starts pouring over Sam.

freaks come out at night, SPN, DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now