026. sex talk

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Sam, Daphne, and Billy are sitting in the library when Dean walks in.

"Did you catch us a case?" Dean asks.

"Uh, no. Get this, some dude took a picture of a weasel riding a flying woodpecker -- midair. It's kinda nuts." Sam says. Daphne leans over in her seat to look at his laptop and she giggles when she sees the photo.

"So, I'm guessing there's nothing on the Amara meter either." Dean says.

"Uh, no. I'm starting to think that God's psycho sister has gone to ground." Sam says. "What about you? You hear from Cas?"

"No. He said he was working on something to draw her out, but... it's been radio silence since he was here." Dean says.

"Yeah. All this quiet's starting to wake me up." Dean pulls the takeout food out of the bag. "What the hell is that?"

"That? That's the Elvis." Dean says.

"Elvis?" Sam asks.

"Mm-hmm." Dean nods with a small grin.

"Is that a--?"

"That's a glazed donut."


"Two, actually. One topside, one on the bottom. Now, your inferior versions, they'll just take one donut, split it right down the middle. Mm-mm. Boom!" He blows a kiss.

"All right, well, uh, I hope you enjoy it." Sam slides it away from him. "Wow." Dean looks at him in offense.

"You know there are starving children out there." Dean says.

"Dude, I'm not gonna survive hundreds of monster attacks to get flatlined by some double donut monstrosity." Sam says as Dean's phone starts to ring.

"The Elvis!" Dean exclaims, digging his phone out of his pocket.

"Whatever. How many calories are in that thing?" Sam asks as Dean answers his phone.

"Hey. Long time. Your Caddyshack review is way overdue." Dean says. "Yeah. You got it, we're there." Dean hangs up. "How do you feel about South Dakota?"


The four are in the living room with Claire when Jody and Alex get home.

"Well, there goes the neighborhood." Jody jokes. "Hi." She greets.

"Jody." Sam hugs her. "Hey, let me help you out." He takes the groceries from her.

"Oh, thank you." Jody says.

"Yeah, sure." He says.

"Come here." Jody hugs Daphne and then Billy. She holds her arms out to Dean.

"It has been too long." Dean says as the two hug.

"Yeah, clearly it's been too long, cause Alex, that is you, right?" Sam asks.

"I don't look that different." Alex argues.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when you spend two hours in the bathroom every morning." Claire says.

"Since when are you even up in the morning? I'm surprised you're awake now." Alex retorts.

"Hey!" Jody warns. "I'm pretty sure they didn't come here to watch you two kill each other." She tells them and Alex goes to her room. "Is everything okay? I didn't accidentally butt dial you or anything, did I?"

"I called." Claire states. "About the monsters... that you refuse to believe are monsters."

"Oh-- you gotta be kidding. You know, if you'd checked in with me, I could have saved you a trip." Jody says.

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